It's been a long time since I posted anything on here, but that has not been due to a lack of developments on my side of the world. It's always hard for me to figure out what is safe to post though. However, here is something I can record and share with everyone.
A very long time ago, when I was still in my teens in fact, I engaged in the process of thinking about what sort of "stuff" I wanted "when I grew up". Like most young boys, you don't tend to think too much about the details of things like houses, but you know the sort of specs you have in mind for computers and so on.
Anyway. I spent a lot of time and listened to lots of other opinions on what was the best in each category, but as I have always tended to do, I formed my own opinion anyway. For most of the goals (which are in many ways just men's toys), there was no time-frame attached - they were perhaps less-special, less important than one single item.
Over 20 years ago, I promised myself that I would own one of these by the time I was 30.
I must confess that I am 5 years late on that personal promise, but there were some mitigating circumstances in that, as I have spent my savings a number of times on what others might consider foolish philanthropies and wild goose chases... None of those expenses do I regret though, and they show (I think) a very large degree of who I feel I am. So it's somewhat appropriate that I achieve my goal "later" in this manner.
Before I bore you all tears though, let me get on and just show you what I have finally purchased for myself.