Feb 16, 2005 20:26
Today was a terrifying day. Like WHOA!!!!! I was drving down 81 and I spun out of control and my beautiful truck and my self where over the guard rail. I was headed south bound and when my truck stopped (in a forty foot ditch) I was facing the opposite direction. I was crying hystericaly. These two wonderful people saw me go over and they helped me out. I wish I had dollar for them or something but I didn't so I gave them a hug. Then I was towed to McNereny's in the lovely Village of Preble where I was getting my tire changed so I could continue my drive because my car is that awesome. So they go to crank my tire and down and to much surprise my spare was missing in action. Apparently when I went over the guard rail and stopped my tire (which is underneath my car) just feel of so the tow truck people had to go back and look for it. so I got it changed and I was on my merry little way. I got home alot later. it took me almost 12 hours to get home. The trip is only 7. But I am lucky. It could have been way worse.