Dec 15, 2004 22:05
Is it a normal occurance for punk ass bitches to continually mess with cars? I went out to my car today and my front right tire was flat on the rim. The wierdest thing was there is nothing wrong with my tire, like no slices or anything. Katie and I tried to change my tire but come to find out that the bastards at the dealer didn't give me all the parts that I needed. So I had to wait for AAA and they didn't have the part either. So they had to tow my my car to the Hess and put it full of air. What a coincidence that there was no air coming out of my tire. That is odd. There are no holes, slashes or anything. I have to take it to Sears tomorrow to get it checked if it still has air in it. No one else in the parking lot had flat tires. Why was it just us?