Mar 02, 2009 12:23
Over the past few days, I have been rekindling my love of Bright Eyes, and more importantly, Conor Oberst. I need to get caught up on his albums, and figure out what is missing in my collection. I'm reasonably sure that I only have burned copies of Letting off the Happiness and Fevers & Mirrors. I think he's got a solo album, and Bright Eyes has probably put something else out, so I will have to hunt that shit down.
I had a crazy dream last night. There were zombies. They were schlepping around outside, as zombies are wont to do, eating people. There may have been a a shopping mall involved, IDK. Anyway. Myself, and other people who were possibly my parents, were holed up in my house. Somewhere along the line, we decided that it would be a brilliant idea to create a perimeter of fire to keep the zombies back. This worked surprisingly well.
At this point, I woke up because i had been drooling on the pillow, and it was wet. I went back to sleep because so far, this was a fucking awesome dream.
Then the dragon showed up. I think it may have been a juvenile, because it wasn't very big. It basically was running around the outside the perimeter, eating the burnt up/charred zombies, and having a grand old time.
Then a zombie got into the house and we couldn't find it. And I have a small house.
At this point, I woke up in a cold sweat, terrified. I ended up having to count in French to fall back to sleep and not slip back into the zombie dream. Because dreaming about being eaten by zombies is no way to start the day.
Okay. Time to go back to work.
bright eyes,