Feb 10, 2009 21:42
Work work work... boring boring boring. Well, not really. It's going to slow down now, except for the west coast and the crazy old ladies in NY that call at 11:30. I've finished all my logic problems, have done two sudoku, and completely forgotten my lunch, which kind of sucks.
Got yelled at by a customer because I dared to ask her how to spell the name of her town twice. She was talking a mile a fucking minute with a thick NY accent on top of that. Fuck you, bitch. I am being calm and helpful and you're a bitch.
Got told I was lying about whether or not two items were availible. Yes. Of course I was lying. I have stolen all of that size, that color and am hoarding them because I just want to dick you over. People, I swear.
Coworker just walked in to show me her new tight red and black tiger stripe pants. There's no words. No words but awesome.
TITANOBOA is likely still syncing at home - and it's probably good that I'm not there because I would just sit and stare at it and check every five minutes to see if it was done. This way, it might be done when I get home. I doubt it, because when I left it was at 1147 of 9668 and that was after an hour and a half. Basically, my plans for tomorrow involve spending it in a music coma, since I don't have to work because I was planning on going to see Ludo, but due to iPod death, the funds had to be reallocated.
*le sigh*
I probably should log off and go back to my desk and read a little more of my arch id book, which is surprisingly not sleep inducing. It's given me a lot to think about and I feel that I will have a better idea of how to write my background and make it make sense and not suck now.
Okay. Work. Arghh.h... Do not want.
Also. Ninjas. Ninja cults. Think on that.
real life