Don't trust people named Black Klaus because they will dick you over

Aug 19, 2008 15:14

Got my negatives transferred to disc for free.  My car, for some deranged reason, smells like roadkill.  Dude.  I do not know.

I still feel like utter shit.  My nose is all snuffley and my sinuses hurt and I just want to go curl up and sleep.  Instead, I'm going to go and clean my room a bit because it may be that I am not sick at all, and am just having a deranged allergy attack.

Also, more of my weird dream that I woke up unable to breathe from: I vaguely recall that during the weird gymnastic thing, inwhich myself, Frank, Mikey, Gerard, and some guy named Black Klaus were competing in, I took Mikey's position, because they needed someone bendier, and apparently I was bendier than Mikey.  So I went and did my thing, then Gerard, then Black Klaus (who, I now recall, looked eerily like the Vladdy puppet from last night's Middleman), then Frank, then Mikey.   We're all like posing in weird positions on this giant cat shelf jungle gym thing, when suddenly Black Klaus jumps down, and grabs a samurai sword from who knows where, and stabs Mikey, who was in my spot.

Don't ask me.  I'm completely lost.

real life, dreams

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