In which David Tennant acts and Greg Grunberg narrates....

Jan 10, 2008 08:31

So last night I felt like shit set on fire and danced upon with hobnail boots.  I had a pounding headache and nausea for most of the evening and spent in flat on my back on the couch, trying not to vomit.  I don't know what the hell it was, a brief flu bug, or I forgot to take my medication earlier in the day, but damn.  Last night sucked.

Of course, then I had trippy dreams.

I was in the wee little grocery store in god only knows where, competing in some sort of Top Chef-esque shopping/cooking  competition, some crazy store manager was dancing and singing and being weird through the whole thing, an South American shaman, that I think was Aztec kept trying to get me to pick out jewelry and thereby an arranged marriage.  Then somehow I was home, ever so briefly, and David Tennant was acting out every Doctor Who ep, alone, while Greg Grunberg narrated and flounced, all outside my living room window, until Tennant pretended to commit ritualistic suicide and stabbed himself in the stomach with a sword.

This all happened after the weird Magnificant Seven magic shapeshifting part.  And the haunted boat in New York City that was trying to kill them.  And their illegitamite kids.  And the chase scene.


What the hell? 


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