(no subject)

Jul 12, 2008 00:29

I have a general sense of LJ annoyance this evening. LJ will not let me add UIUC to my schools as a separate, second entry. So either, I don't add it (which really should not be a BFD, since I don't really use the feature) or I look as though it took me six years to get my BA (and that I'm not even finished yet).

Mother and sister left for our neighboring country to the south for three weeks, for intensive language school. Which means I have to have the dogs sleep in my room, with their hair everywhere, and in the case of Heidi, the stench. Seriously, she's snoring now and she just burped.

I have to get up early for mandatory and mysterious meeting at work. Usually when I've had to attend meetings such as these, it's to get yelled at by management. I cannot for the life of me think of what either the low key manager (that's right, there's only one - I've never had a job until now where I had one manager) or the regional supervisor would have to say. Unless it's to accept thanks for the touch screen register or for fixing the hydraulics on the glass case before someone accidentally got their fingers broken. If so, I offer my thanks. If it's to offer suggestions, I can only think of two. Can we please stagger produce delivery so I can quit throwing away half the damn tomatoes, and can we get a tomato slicer that isn't all bent out of shape? Just minor things. Oh, one more thing. I'd appreciate if day shift would actually do something besides sit on their thumbs all day. Perhaps you could clean or something.

It's July 12 (as of a half hour ago), which means I have 34 days before I move.

(Oh, and I finally, after three weeks of reading on top of two years of it sitting the bookshelf, have finished Guns, Germs, and Steel. Yay.)

work, livejournal, books

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