Jan 05, 2010 20:07
There are times in life when I have absolutely no idea what the hell my brain is up to. This doesn't, necessarily, mean that I don't mind this as some of my favorite concepts erupt from such things. However, due to a recent movie-going experience with my siblings, followed by another with Sam, my brain has decided that the movie Avatar is going to overwrite nearly every thought pattern I possess.
Ok, that may be a little off, as I am still perfectly capable of functioning on a day-to-day basis. But I have never been struck by a movie the way I was struck by Avatar. Everything about the movie pushed a perfect button, and has left me with this thought that I can't just give this story up.
I have, as of the time of this writing, seen the movie three times (once in IMax, twice at a regular theater, all in 3D; which is imperative in the theater) in the span of less than a week. The first time was at the Natick IMax. I loved it then, and I spent at least two hours thinking about it before I finally fell asleep. A similar experience happened the next night when I saw it with Sam. I couldn't shake it off on Sunday. Monday night, I got a ticket to see it again, hoping it would satiate my cravings. Nope. Not a chance. The third viewing (being by myself) allowed me to absorb more of the film, making it take root that much more. But, at least I could push it to the back of my head and get work done at work.
It's very hard to explain, why, exactly, this film has appealed to me as much as it has. All I do know for certain, is the following:
1) It has toppled the Original Star Wars Trilogy at the top of my list of greatest sci-fi stories ever.
2) I'm buying it the day it comes out on DVD (the collector's addition, if they have it)
3) The only thing, now, that will save me from this is coming out January 26th: Mass Effect 2
a) I highly believe that it will only be a stop-gap measure at most until the DVD is released
For those of you who know me well enough to call me a friend, you have no doubt seen (or heard) me and my over-active imagination put myself into movies, books, video games, etc. to participate in those stories in my own little dream worlds. Here's a shocker for you: I can't do it with Avatar. Every time I tried, I couldn't bring myself to do it. The story, as it is, is as near to perfect as my nerdy mind can get, so I haven't seen a reason to get my imagination involved.
I may be able, at some point, to try again. But I highly doubt it. I'd rather just watch the movie again.
Catch you all on the flipside.
P.S. The title of this post is Na'vi for "Let the truth strike my heart."