Ok, next

Jul 01, 2012 16:15

Raelie gets a new tag: mommy gets a new necklace :)

I couldn't be happier with how things have turned out. I have the most amazing, supportive people, the career I always dreamed of, residency at the VIP venue of the ONLY place in Hollywood I ever dreamed of playing. People are reaching out to me every day to make things with them. I have made love with people in ways I never dreamed. I have used my energy and my passion and my drive to influence people positively and create art every day. I had no idea that a creative life could be lived this fully until I believed in it. Literally, I sit and walk and run and picture my life, and I work hard and I listen hard, and it happens. And I can't explain it to people enough: the optimism that I have engrained into myself is absolutely unshakeable. I got a glimpse of who I was, and I have just been trying harder and harder to focus.

My family has been absolutely integral in this and I don't know how people without supportive family do it.

I am unbelievably grateful.

I can't believe Red just... Showed up.
The connection I have with her is unreal. I truly needed her. We'll be talking and talking on the beach, and then it's 4 a.m. And we're talking about going to the moon and what it will be like to see the stars up close when we're astronauts, and it's all real talk. We're sober, and we let each other have big dreams. And I never bring her back to earth.

I need that.

I really love everything, and love isn't even the point anymore.


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