Feb 26, 2008 20:45
So, from what I understand my grandpareants in in birmingham as grandpa's having surgery. I never get any full details but then again my dad's not been up to talking about it.
SO my plan has been to stay around the house, and be supportive. That and I dont think that dad would be able to handle it if I were on the road, and something happend to his dad w/o me being there.
It's not that he's fragile, but it's his dad.
I am going to be in town for the 3rd weekend of march and be in town for a whole week. I am going to be a bit busy that 1st weekend, but from monday on (except for wednesday ) I'm pretty much up for anything.
I'm working all this week other wise I'd be in b'ham. The work part hasn't been that bad, a lot of the teachers have complemented my on my style, and the fact that I'm really intrested in getting them to learn something instead of just passing out worksheets.
Other than that things are just blah
family illness 08 work; travel;