I would first like to thank
tinuvial for her random act of kindness :)
I look back upon this year as bittersweet. I'm not where I want to be, in a lot of ways, but I'm closer to getting there. I'll be back home soon, once I sort all of this schooling out.
Last year I came into the new year with money and was broke all year. I may have been depleted of funds, but not of the love of friends and family, and for that I'd like to thank you all.
Last year I was skinny, and not happy with myself, by the ned of the year I'm heaiver and happier, and I must continute to eat. I look better and feel better as well.
I was able to keep a lot of promises to myself, and I believe that they all were worth it.
I have a few goals for this year:
1. Finish school
2. Move back to ATLANTA
3. Love my friends
4. Forgive my enemies
5. Experience as much as possible.
That's what I ahve going on . . .today is going to be low key, not going out, though I never go anywhere here. I'm prolly going to clean out the car, put gas in it, and pack :)
Note to self: Find skull-cap, so that you dont have to wear your cowboy hat as winter wear.