Dec 04, 2007 00:43
Today was slow yeet frustrating. I paid the cell bill, so now people can call me again. I attempted to go get my AL lisense as my mom lost it. Only to find out that not only dont they accept a social security card as a valid form of I.D. but even after you dig up a W-2 and a valid out of state id, they still want you to visit the state troppers . I cant wait to leave this stone age state that may one day sccede from the union because they couldn't read the exit sign .. . .
Other than that today was ok.
The weekend was great, the game was awesome, even if the atermath has well gotten complicated.
Oh and if anyone has picts of the game, sand you sedn me one so I can make an actual icon of me for this journal pretty please :)
There will prolly be work soon, later this week.
I also finally got emiminated from LJ Idol, tho I am going to stick around to see who wins, etc. Next year or the next time they ahve it I'll be back with a vengance :0
weekends in atlanta;