Yes. You do have 20 minutes to kill. Don't fight it. And what better way than to just revel in one of my personal favorite songs by one of my personal favorite bands? Typically when I put on their one of their CDs or play live sets I get people asking me who they are. And since I've seen them (multiple times) and played them (ad nauseum) and even booked them (sadly only once), I figure it's a great way to share the experience. All in all, it's just a beautifully composed and executed piece of work (IMHO). I could elaborate all day (no, literally). But I'm not going to. I'm too tired and this is one of the few things that has turned my mood today (aside from hearing a beautiful woman's voice in my ear briefly and imagining the prospect of spending the later evening in her company) and caused my exhaustion to be put on hold for a span - and really, that's another post altogether.. Anyways, I talk too much...
Edit: I couldn't pass this vid up either...