(no subject)

Jan 15, 2006 11:06

everything is going ok i guess.
Lisa is still threatening me over the whole ian thing, even though she doesn't believe anything happened she's still intent on attempting to make my life a misery.
Scott emailed her to tell her to leave me alone,but i noticed she's emailed him 2 more times, saying what? i don't know.
she told scott in the email that i read when he read it, that she heard from many of my ex friends that i'm a fuck up and he should stir well clear,
many ex friends? the only person i've fallen out with that would have talked to ian&lisa would be kat.. hmph.. god sake what have things come to!

Things with Scott are going well i guess, sometimes i feel like he doesn't want me but he makes sure he tells me he does.
he was an 1hr and 20 minutes late meeting me on friday, when he finally showed up he was very apologetic and told me he slept through his alarm,and knowing the amount he sleeps thats true.
When we got back to his we just mished about, then we went to Co-op to get some drinks,went back to his for abit then went to the Chinese, after eating that he fell asleep on me for about 2 hours, then he went bed, and slept for a further 2, i got a lil lonely and annoyed because yeah, scott was sleeping and i had no1 to keep me company, so i kinda woke him up, and we had a laugh and such like, he made me a latte or something,was lovely..and then he was up the rest of the night on the computer whilst i slept, when i woke up, we went downstairs to get breakfast, he went upstairs with his as he was playing a game, and i had mine and had a fag,at about 12-1ish in the afternoon he fell asleep, every so often he would wake up, but shortly fall asleep again,he eventually got out of bed at 10 just as i had to go, he said thanks for a great weekend, but i thought that abit odd as he slept for most of it.
i know he can't help being sleepy, and therefore sleeping and it was my fault friday night that he didnt get much sleep as i woke him up, and yeah i shouldnt be annoyed, but just feel like i must be so boring for him to fall asleep for like 10 hrs.
Ah well, i'm willing to put up with his lack of punctuality, and his sleeping if that means i have him forever.
He says he loves me, and sometimes i doubt thats actually true, and if he does infact love me,then it's like a dream come true.
i've been after him for ages, and now i have him, i love him even more.
I just van't help but wonder what bad things are gonna happen, because i've never had anything good without some sort of fall back,
or maybe i'm just being paranoid?

Anyways,i have an English retake on tuesday, how fun!
well i can't do much worse, i got a U last time, lol.
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