Mar 12, 2011 18:15
A few months ago a friend an I seperated. However we are employed @ The same company. Same job description, different ranks me having seniority over him. I have no desire to jeopardize my time with the company, an don't feel the need to try to compare egos. This person came to me awhile ago wanting to talk. I ended it with a no. Work wasn't the place. An I didn't want to rekindle our friendship. He took this hard. I'm comfortable with my job an where I am in the company. But the non engaging behavior drives him insane, an he has recently started coming to my desk an my area. An saying snide remarks. I never respond an just smile an continue my task at hand. Its kind of amusing. But kind of fustrating. Like dude go away. We are not in a race. You'll never out rank me. Lets just be professional.
Posted via LjBeetle