Sep 29, 2011 15:06
Okay. I haven't updated in a while because Shawn came home early on Tuesday morning. I got Titus' tree done and posted pictures on Facebook but I'll figure out how to post them on here soon. I haven't really cleaned anything too much because I've been spending my time with Shawn. We have started to watch Battlestar Galastica again together at night and tonight we have that to watch, plus the new episode of The Big Bang Theory! Woohoo! =)
My friend Anne found this super cute owl hat for babies that I wanna make but I have to learn how to crochet to make it. I'm half tempted to run to Michael's or Joann's tonight and get yarn and a needle and google/youtube how to crochet. Maybe I can learn in three weeks and have it done by the time Titus comes! But I really doubt that, but I think I do wanna learn how to.
I decided to try to back up my iPhone to the computer and it's been a few hours now. Granted, I have never backed it up and I went ahead and saved all 1,000+ photos to the computer before I started. Once this is backed up, I'm gonna try to update it. I have the iPhone 3 (the original 3, not the newer ones) and the software version is saying 3.1. So... I'm a bit behind the times. >.> Opps. As long as I don't get anymore calls that makes the backup stop and has be restart it. It seems that if I ignore all text messages coming in, it doesn't stop it. But I really really hope Shawn hasn't been the one texting me. =( He's working up in Seattle today and I just worry he's trying to get a hold of me for something. But then again, I know if its really important and I don't answer my text, he'll try to call me.
I was able to pay all the bills this morning since Shawn got paid. I need to ask him if he wants to buy the mattress for Titus' room this paycheck or the next. I printed out a copy of our marriage certificate and a copy of my ETS paperwork. All I need is his LES and type up the DA 4187 so we can change his BAH rate from no dependents to one dependent. That way we can make a little bit more money. Hopefully they backdate it to the 25th of Aug since that is my first day as a civilian.
Just a bit over half way done on the backing up of the iPhone. This is gonna take ALL afternoon. Joy.
Okay. I'm gonna go and google more crochet things and look at pinterest. That site is so addicting!!! So many cute ideas for the house and Titus' room and such. Like today I found a cute picture of an owl mobile! I wanna make him one so badly now! =D