Apr 09, 2010 15:04

Our nanny kind of rubs me the wrong way sometimes.  I feel like she thinks I'm a bad mom.  The first time I met her, she made a comment about how I burped Donovan (the exact same way my mom burped her kids, and it's always worked really well - the kid burps like a frat boy doing a keg stand).

Then yesterday she insisted I put a blanket over Donovan before I took him to the car.  It was a *little* chilly, but I wasn't wearing a coat.  Besides, it's like a 15' walk to the car from her door and my car was already plenty toasty.  Surely he wouldn't have caught hypothermia being exposed to 60 degree weather for 6 seconds.

Then she commented yesterday when David dropped him off "Oh!  He wear shorts again today!  Mommy must be home." (I had been travelling the past 2 days).  WTF is that supposed to mean??  For the past few weeks I've been sending him in long-sleeve onesies and socks, which is what he wears around our house.  Part of that is because it's been really warm (and he's inside all day), and part of that is because I didn't want to make her take pants on and off him all day (I hated parents putting kids in complicated outfits when I was a nanny).

I guess she thinks we're being neglectful and freezing the poor kid to death.  Today, out of spite, I put him in pants (with feet!) and a long-sleeve t-shirt.  The pants are a little big, so I'm sure she'll disaprove of that too.

I'm not going to stop using her because she's great with Donovan and the older 2 boys she looks after LOVE her (which speaks even more to what she's like with the kids), but she still rubs me the wrong way.
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