(no subject)

Apr 18, 2004 22:57

alright. this weekend was amazing.

so BRANDnew wasn't that great of a show...i blame it on the venue of suck assness.
besides that most of the time we were out at shops on the beach. it was amazing because me and kath were togeather for the whole time. all weekend.
i took her driving out on the beach for her first time but i didnt tell her and when i pulled in the parking lot to let out some air in my tires i kind of scared her because we were in this like abandon fishing parkinglot in the middle of nowhere.
all i really remember is being with kath the whole time and staring at her. o and i am no 18 according to blockbuster.
the drive home was great we got some rock star energy drinks....we think the worked because we had tooooons of energy... but it all could of been in our minds. we dont know but it kept me awake.

now its a picutre time...only one and itsss really really really big so it might take a while to load....and dont laugh at my horrible skin. its just this camera shows every little detail and my details are not nice at all. but hey i have to show off this amazing digital camera that has 6.3 mega pixles...

photo by kath...it was her first time using a SLR. hehe shes amazing and i love her.

this picture will take a while to load
die young and save yourself.

EDIT: hi. sorry the photo sucks. [it was my first try.] i adjusted the apreture to focus on the negative. [had to say that.] i'm so gay. so, the guy in the photo is this hot sex emo rockstar that i met at a senses fail show one day and two years ago. ;)

+ DE was amazing. i love sava more than you, or anyone, could ever imagine.

++ i was just fixing the picture for him. and some of his lame typos, also. hehe. [only kidding, baby.]

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