
Feb 25, 2005 09:21

hey ya'll!! whats been up? nothin here just sittin around on my ass waiting til the last minute to do everything...i have a job interview today at wendys at 315 so that means as soon as i get home i have to hurry and change and then hop on my bike and ride my lil heart out up to my job interview...even though its cold and rainy its worth it...ill have a job!!! which means money!!! which means car!!!! wooohoooo!!!! i cant wait til i can save enough money to get a car! it will be so great...i will finally have a life of my own and not one of my boyfriend, my friends, or my parents....i will be able to do what i want when i want and noone to bitch and complain about what it is i wanna do...

i have been really grouchy lately and im not really sure why....its just prbly because of everything goin on with my mom and what not but maybe also because i am not happy with myself....my boyfriend always says "if your not happy with something about yourself, fix it." so thats what i am trying do. i have recently tried to start a diet...i cut down on junk food except for my pudding at lunch haha. i dont mind walking far ways. and now that i will be working and riding my bike there i will get exercise to and from work. fun stuff. but the thing is its gonna suck riding home at 11:30 at night when i get off work....but hey its a job...

im not sure what i am doing this weekend...i will prbly work with my dad tomorrow if i dont start my job tomorrow. ill ask him if he needs help at the house and let him know i am willling to work if he needs me...he pays good too!! like $125 a day...i can handle that!! haha but its not like im spending any of this because i am going to savew up about $1,000+ so i can find a decent car and then all ill have to come up with is $400 every 6 months for insurance. so its all lookin up...i think im getting to happy again, but im stuck in this one little place now all i want to do is SQUUUUUEEEEEZZZEEEE my way outa it...i dont think it will be that difficult...i dont know just felt like a lil update cuz we had free time in class tonday so ya know...but ima head out...ill update later

I love you!!!
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