hey i havent been able to update in a while cuz ive been pretty busy....heres the highlights:
- i got my job and ive been working all week....after 2 days of training i have my own register
- been hangin out with brittany
- been hangin out with linsy
- schools goin good
- ive been in good moods for a while i dont know why but ive a lil too happy for my usual personality
- i stopped takin rides from hunter cuz i just dont feel like riding with him anymore so i ride the bus again
- im goin to a bridal shower tomorrow
- then im goin to the mall
i have math homework....
maybe i should go do it....so yeah thats been my week....well theres more but ya know no point in typin about it...its the past....i try to forget about the past i try to keep my eyes open and look at the present and the future.....also a open mind wouldnt hurt either.....it seems to be working for me....ok im out