
Jun 11, 2005 22:03

3.44 for the term. it would have been soo much better were it not for the huge ass "c+" in visual arts. i really wish i would have known at the beginning of the term that it's the most failed bacc core course in the entire university. i'm really not surprised. if only i had s/u'd it. eh.

i'm really surprised by how well my grades turned out (aside from the above....haha). i really didn't try at all this term. i kind of wish i had, because i'd like to start actually taking pride in my work again. but i did everything at the last possible minute and with the least possible effort. i didn't even study for 3 of my 4 finals, and the one i did study for wasn't actually studying, it was reading the plays that we were supposed to have had read weeks before. luckily i kicked ass on my shakespeare midterm, and my prof asked me to read my essay in class. if he wasn't impressed by my first exam, i don't think he would have bumped my 89.4% in the class up to an a-. but i'm ever so thankful for it.

i've decided i'm going to try to work this summer. it's sad that i feel like i should have a job. i wish i could just feel normal not working. i'd like the break. but i'm just way too aware of the fact that i am supporting myself, and i can't afford to not be making money in these next few months. but i definitely will be making time for road trips and adventures and such.

i filled out my application at casey's apartment complex today, and my dad is bringing the truck down on thursday to move my bed, couch, tables, and desk. he tried to convince me that my mattress would fit in my car. HAHAHAHA yeah right. so i'll have to have everything packed by wednesday night. maybe between now and then i'll look for a job and start supercleaning my areas of the apartment.

of course saying i'll be productive is much easier than actually being so.
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