Application / Notes / Character Info

Aug 31, 2009 09:02

Name: Yuca Collabel (Later known as Ys Cordelan)
Fandom: Immortal Rain (manga)
Age: Appears 19 or so


Yuca's entire personality stems from the single, unexplained fact that he's doomed to be reincarnated forever, and retains memories of all his past lives. His first memories were of traveling alone across a desert- giving way to wars, loves, and more memories than a human mind should be able to take. He is never truly able to die, but is forced to watch the world die around him with every single birth and every single death. It's a never ending cycle of witnessing kingdoms rise and fall and rise again, and it slowly drives him insane.

Throughout his many lives, Yuca wants nothing more than to die for good. Human life, life in general, means nothing to him, because in his eyes, it all vanishes in an instant. Because of this, Yuca is practically fearless. He isn't afraid to die, and he doesn't make emotional connections with people to fear for their safety. That's not to say that he's reckless- Yuca plans things carefully, sometimes even hundreds of years in advance, trusting himself to return in his next life (or three) and finish the job. He'll jump into a situation to preserve his plan, but he doesn't risk his life for just anything- Yuca is the type who can sit idly by while everyone dies around him.

And what is his plan? Only to kill every single living person on the planet so that nobody can ever give birth to him again and he can finally die for good. It seems selfish, looking at it from the outside, but as I stated before, life means nothing to Yuca. He's seen it spark and fade so many times, it's become just another thing- he experiences no more remorse from killing a city of people than a normal person would exterminating an anthill.

By no means does this mean that Yuca is a homicidal maniac, or a stereotypical serial killer. He isn't outwardly aggressive at all- as a matter of fact, he spends his most previous life (that is, six hundred years before the main story takes place) as a priest at a church which doubles as a shelter to the orphans of the war at the time. As a matter of fact, he can appear quite gentle and harmless, occasionally touching a deep subject- such as the meaning of religion, or why people die- but he giggles at jokes, he smiles at the children, and he behaves as a lighthearted man generally does. Yuca is nothing if not manipulative; he knows how to get to people, what makes their hearts flutter and their fists clench, knows how to play their strings like an instrument to get exactly the sort of outcome he wants.

When he is reincarnated during the manga series, he's given the appearance and mannerisms of a seven year old boy. Whether his childishness is just an act or not, I think it's safe to assume that, although his memories and mind is the same, he's still subject to the aging process- his mindset is a seven year old boy's, and even though he knows better, he can't stop himself from acting like one sometimes.

In a way, though, Yuca is almost self defeating with his borderline obsession with Rain, the main character in the series Immortal Rain. Rain and Yuca served together as priests in his past life, and Yuca was quite taken aback with Rain's personality and temperament- so much, that he made him into an immortal (I'll go into this more in the History section) in order to meet with him again in a later life. He believes that this could go one of two ways- immortality will corrupt Rain as it had him, and that Rain would want to kill everyone as well, or that Rain would be forced to kill him again and again and again, with each rebirth.

It's a little unclear as to why Yuca chose Rain, or even why he decided to make anyone immortal at all. I think he was simply tired of seeing everyone die around him, and wanted a familiar face to guide him from life to life- even if that face was from someone who was determined to kill him forever. "I wish I could be more like you.", he said, "To me, you are an illusion that can't be touched and will disappear in the blink of an eye. I want to take you with me. Into the same time as me."

His attachment to Rain becomes even more apparent in his next life, when he's the little boy. He captures Rain and drugs him to where Rain cannot function, at which point... Yuca simply spends time with him. He talks to him, draws next to him, reads him stories from picture books. When questioned after Rain's escape, Yuca's reaction is a genuine proclamation that Rain is neither his guinea pig or his slave, but rather, his friend. Later on, when Rain risks ending his immortality to save him, Yuca's reaction is violent, screaming at him, almost brought to tears by his sacrifice, which proves how attached he is. I think that, despite all the lies, what Yuca says about Rain being his friend is true- even though human life means nothing to him, Rain had somehow became someone who meant something, and he doesn't want to let that go.

On top of all of this, Yuca is... quirky, for lack of a better word. He's an insomniac, for one- afraid to sleep, because he dreams horrible dreams about his past and wakes up with no recollection of who or where he is for minutes- he loses his sense of self when he wakes up. One of the nurses who looks after him while he's young goes so far to say "He's really an amazingly beautiful child, but... I've... never seen that child sleep, not even when I do my late rounds at night. He just stands by the window and looks like he's... a big hole, in the middle of the earth."

Also, he has these periods of time, where he can be looking at something, or just thinking certain thoughts, and be totally dead to the world for hours. He'll simply freeze somewhere and won't move, won't blink, won't register anything that's happening around him. It's not explained exactly why this happens, but my best guess is that he just becomes utterly lost in his memories and cannot comprehend everything going on through his mind at once, so his body simply shuts down in order to give him more total room to process the information.


Yuca's history is very complicated- his first memories were of wandering alone in the Badlands. It's assumed that he starved to death, because ravens are seen picking at his body. But his life somehow didn't end. He's pictured among battlefield's of men in armor, watching people carry baskets on their heads in a China-esque setting, and seeing the world change from life to life. He claims to be the spirit of Methuselah, doomed to be reborn again and again, time after time, for all eternity.

He couldn't tell anyone about his curse, however- he claims that he's prayed to many, many gods, tried to prove it to an endless amount of scientists, and has even been burned at the stake for his allegations.

Finally, he comes into the story for a large flashback that spans almost an entire manga. Yuca, Rain, and Freya worked together as priests and a priestess at an orphanage during a war. They're sort of caught up in an awkward love triangle- Freya loves Yuca, Rain loves Freya, and Yuca and Rain are best friends. Rain doesn't allow his unrequited love to get in between their friendships, and the three of them are happy for a long time together.

Unfortunately, they are caught up in the middle of the war. Unbeknown to Rain and Freya, millitary experiments are taking place not too far off, and Yuca is contributing to them. Their goal is to make the perfect biological weapon, by experimenting on people- giving them long life, a healing factor, incredible strength and durability- you name it, they're trying to factor it in. Unfortunately, the subjects are incomplete. Their cellular structure goes out of control within a few days, and they die, usually with massive, bone-like structures breaking out of their backs, hence dubbing them the codename 'Angels'.

One of the girls at the orphanage is killed by a stray missile, and Freya has an emotional breakdown because of it. She becomes unresponsive and stops eating, at which point, Rain spends all of his money on flower seeds and starts planting her a gigantic garden to cheer her up. Yuca has a brief conversation with her, in which Freya 'wakes up' tells him that she loves him, and he simply sits there, almost unresponsive while she hugs him and tells him she wants to be his reason for living.

Several days later, Yuca is visited by the military, stating that they need more subjects. He offers up the children of the orphanage, and they state that they needed children test subjects, and leave happily.

Meanwhile, things for the church aren't going so well. The funding is cut and they can't afford to keep the children there, so everyone is told that they're being moved to a new facility. Rain decides to stay behind with the head nun for what seems like inconsequential reasons- though it's later revealed that he is very sick and doesn't want to die in front of Yuca and Freya.

While going through the main room, alone in the church with their caretaker, Rain notices a television news program running on an unidentified creature who went on rampage before dying- this creature was one of the Angels, and Rain recognizes her as another one of the girls from the orphanage. He sets out immediately to try and save everyone, but when he gets to the place they're being held (the cars never took the kids or Freya to their destination church, but rather, just into the military compound), he finds everything destroyed, and Freya sitting there over a bed in a pile of rubble, crying.

Rain goes to her and gently coaxes her up, before turning around to see Yuca, standing atop a large rock. Rain calls out to him, before realizing that Freya has fallen- belatedly, seeing the gun in Yuca's hand and realizing that Yuca had shot her. Yuca shoots Rain as well and takes both him and Freya underground. Despite what he told the scientists, Yuca had unlocked the potential to create the perfect immortal, but doesn't want just anyone to have that sort of power. He wants to play god- to pick and chose the people he wants to see again in a later lifetime. So, he takes Rain- still unconscious- and force-feeds him the flesh of an infected Angel (ironically enough, Freya), before implanting Freya's heart into his body and nailing a metal cross into his chest, carved with the date that Yuca would be reborn next.

When Rain wakes up, his first sight is Freya, hanging by her wrists on a pillar in front of him, obviously dead, with Yuca sitting down beneath her, watching Rain with an amused expression. Yuca explains to Rain that he has been chosen to be reborn for all eternity- that he is the spirit of Methuselah. He tells him that he has seen people live and die, and his life is nothing but a broken dream, from which there was no awakening. He tells Rain his wish of killing everybody in the world, after which he seems to contradict himself by saying that he wishes for Rain to live on with him, to take Rain with him into the future. Yuca mentions his plan to destroy everything, and tells Rain that if he wants to stop him, he'll have to live through an eternity to kill him time and time again.

His final words are uttered with a smile- "The next time I'll be born is carved on your chest. Come get me, Rain. Because you and I... are friends." At which point, Yuca shoots himself in the head and falls to his death, leaving Rain alive and alone for almost six hundred years.

This is where I'm taking him from.

Bleach terms
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN (ie: Bleach characters)

Yuca's 'soul'.

After a lot of deliberation and discussion between myself and a few other people who know of the series, we came to a decision on how to describe Yuca's soul in Bleach terms (since he more than likely will meet at least one captain in the future). Since we're going to go off of the assumption that Yuca's soul is immortal- and that's the reason he keeps resurrecting- then his soul is going to be very different from a normal person's.

First off, those with a limited ability to sense souls, even when inside of other people (ie: people below captain rank) would be able to tell that there's something not right about his. It isn't normal.

Second off, those with a good, enhanced ability to sense souls (ie: captains, maybe a few vice captains) would be able to tell that his soul is tired. Not in the physical sense, but spiritually. His soul has been around for a long time- sort of reminiscent of a soul on earth that has lasted waaaay way too long without release, but somehow, has a host instead of became a hollow. Very old, very experienced.

Third is that, while Yuca's soul is, for some reason, immortal, it's still vulnerable to soul attacks, ie: kidou, zanpakuto. As a matter of fact, those sorts of things might actually kill him, once and for all (if, of course, we weren't in Adstring). It's ageless, not invulnerable or regenerative.

This last point is completely optional, and open to discussion. I've only read through Bleach once, so I'm not sure exactly how spiritual pressure works- I discussed this with a Bleach-loving friend of mine, but if you disagree or have some other input, please feel free to leave a comment or message me, and I would love (no sarcasm here) to talk about it. This kind of stuff is my crack. So.
Fourth off, he has spiritual pressure in a sense. Just so I don't get flamed for this, here are a few examples in the manga where he exhibited something similar to what Bleach characters would perceive as 'spiritual pressure'.
--Probably the most prominent is the scene in which the nurses are talking about ten year old Yuca. One of the nurses says something to the effect of "when I do my late rounds at night, he just stands at the window and looks like a hole in the middle of the earth". Where this isn't quite spiritual pressure by any means, the dread and fear that's generally associated with... well. Being a hole in the middle of the earth- are emotions that were invoked upon Yuca's very presence.
--Yuca is the type of person who masks himself well, but when he lets it all go, people know. One example of this is where he aims a gun at Machika's head when Rain yells at her, revealing him as Yuca, and Machika looks horrified. Another is when he reveals his true plan to Rain in the flashback- there was never any question, never any hesitation.
--If he's in a certain mood, he attracts attention. People follow him and obey his orders without question (or, at least, with very little). This 'commanding presence' again, links back to a certain feeling of 'doom' when looking at him while he's letting his true face show. It's shown in the manga where A)Sharem obeys him without question (this can be seen as him manipulating her, however), B)the other kids obey his orders after very little persuasion, and view him as their 'leader' of sorts, even though he's far younger than him.
--Sharems husband, Ishmael, got the 'creepy vibe' from Yuca in the very beginning. He ordered his minions or whoever they were to tell the news that Yuca was stillborn, that he was aborted, that nothing was born, just to prevent anyone from knowing Yuca existed and could be linked back to him. Again, linking back to this feeling of dread one gets from looking at him in the correct light.

OKAY. Now that the examples are over with, let me go into detail about Yuca's 'spiritual pressure'. It's strong, but different. Instead of taking hold on someone physically- as in, instead of being able to feel 'weight' around your shoulders, forcing you down- it directs your emotions, in a sense. Looking at him while he's fully himself, in his DOOM mode can give someone a feeling of intense dread or foreboding. Something will happen, if he runs unchecked. Something terrible.

That being said, Yuca can't exactly 'control' it like Bleach characters can. He hides it when he hides his emotions, but the perceptive people will be able to sense there is something deeper. When he feels... uh. Doomlike, he practically exudes it, though. You'd have to be a rock not to feel it. However, because I worry about godmoding, your character can, of course, choose to pass on this, and we can just chalk it up to 'different worlds, different abilities, different immunities'. No problem at all.

My theory on Yuca's own kind of 'pressure' is that it's simply, his soul. His soul, or, 'true self' is so experienced, so mind-bendingly knowledgeable and so, so... just. old, that when he does show himself for what he truely is, it's like... a bad vibe. Times a million or so. And because his 'pressure' comes from his soul, I think it should be easily sensed by shinigami.

And that's it!


character info, ooc

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