ooc- hiatus

Dec 31, 2011 00:38

Ahhh I know we're not technically supposed to do this, but I thought that since the big plot was coming up and I've plotted out with all my characters, I should at least let the other muns know what's up >_<.

I have a friend from high school flying up for the next week and a half! This is awesome for me, not so awesome for rp. I most definitely won't be around much, and unfortunately, the big plot is right in the middle of her visit. SO I'm calling a very slowatus. What little time I have to focus on rp will only be on plot-related threads, so I'm trying to wrap up most of the other threads tonight, and I more than likely won't be tagging them for awhile (I'M SORRY D8 D8). For my characters...

Yuca Collabel (neverquitedies) godmode rights go Kurotsuchi. I'm noooot positive, but I think he's having an apocalypse log with Mayuri (is there any way we can maybe backdate this)? Also dying horribly.
Nathaniel (knew_anyway) will still be played to the best of my abilities. He will be making a post in the middle of the plot and I'll try to tag that as actively as I can, but it might need to be backdated a little. If anyone needs him and I'm not there, godmode rights go to Rei and Bartimaeus.
Regulus (the_noble_black) has his godmode rights go to Snape, though he will be somewhat involved in the plot- mostly he will try and fail to save his brother and then be witch-kissed into a chain suicide caused by being reborn seconds before he dies over and over again.
Rome (dogtagcollar) has godmode rights go to Morgan, though he will be somewhat more involved in the plot. Rome's threads will probably need to be backdated, but I'd like for him to be somewhat involved in the fight- I want to play out a death or two- before Morgan knocks him out and locks him up for the rest of the event.

Again guys, I'm really sorry about the timing. :C AND IF YOU WOULD LIKE/WANT/NEED ANY OF MY CHARACTERS ANYWHERE, comment here, send me a plurk (at Raelet), or a message to any of my rp accounts. THANK YOU, and I'm super sorry again. D8 D8 D8


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