Sixty-second Rebirth- [Video]

Oct 25, 2011 00:27

[As the video clicks on, Yuca can be seen crossing along the many graves in the back of cross church. The graves, which are usually faded to obscurity, now all bear his name- Yuca Collabel. They're all dated differently, through different times in history- and there are literally dozens of them, enough to fade into the background. He coughs once, glancing up through the fog, before sighing.]

Everything dies. One can even say that people die because people live- that life is the ultimate evil, as it always and unerringly results in death. No matter what your beliefs may be, the permanence of death is very real, isn't it? Friends dying, family dying, pets, plants, flowers- death is the one constant in the world.

[He finally sits on a gravestone, examining the faded date for a moment, before kicking out his feet.]

Time is the only thing that separates you from death. You will die, your children will die, and someday, their children's children will die. Nothing matters, not really. Not when faced with time.

[A pause. Yuca smiles, but it's not entirely pleasant.]

So tell me, Adstring: why are you upset?

here comes the crazy train, magnificent bastard potential is there, *event, everything sucks, the future sucks, yuca knows everything(or maybe not), not a big deal, finally the truth, web of secrets, voices from the past, immortality sucks, so out of it i don't even

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