Sixtieth Rebirth [Video]

Sep 11, 2011 22:34

Two years.

[A small pause- Yuca looks down at the PCD, fiddling with some of the buttons.]

It's something to look back on, I suppose.

[He's quiet, almost vulnerable. Yuca bites his lower lip and looks away. He doesn't care. He's never cared. People were just here for a short time before they died, and took all of their feelings with them. He doesn't speak for a long time- he's busy trying to do something with the PCD, his breath coming a little shaky.]

But, all this time, and I- I thought that, this place- these people, they might be different. But they're not, are they? [Quiet. He's not himself right now.] No. No, it's no different. People live, people go, and people lie.

[Yuca takes a deep breath.]

It'll never be any different.

[[ooc: Hubby is gone. ;w; YUCA HAS A SAD AND DOES NOT KNOW WHY. Also is minorly drunk. And sort-of evented. Way to go. :T]

*event, not exactly as planned, everything sucks, utterly fucking destroyed, goodbye goodbye goodbye, sometimes suicidal, falling in love with flowers, shit is some serious shit, immortality sucks, kill me kill me kill me, stop being nice to me, so out of it i don't even

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