Fiftieth rebirth [Accidental Video]

Apr 08, 2011 07:26

[Quiet footsteps up the hallway, bare toes pattering against the floor. There's a bowl of cereal in his hands, as he moves, humming a soft tune to himself. The way the camera is angled- looks like it fell of the desk at the end of the hall or something- you can't see his face. Just his feet, his legs, the bowl in his hands.

Yuca stops in front of Rain's door and knocks softly. Upon getting no response, he knocks a little harder.]

Rain, I got breakfast. You don't have to worry, I didn't make it... I mean, I did, but it was just mixing together milk and cereal, so I don't think I messed up too badly. [A soft laugh, and another knock. Still no response.]

...are you alright? Rain?

[The doorknob slowly turns and the door opens with a soft creak. There's a short pause, and the bowl slips out of his hands.

It seems to take an eternity to fall through to the floor. When it does, it shatters into hundreds of pieces, milk and cereal splashing everywhere. His toes are drenched, bleeding in a few small places.

Yuca's feet rush into the room, and there's the sound of bedding and books being thrown across it. Soon enough, that too fades into silence, and a quiet sob bubbles up and out of the room, so soft that it almost wasn't recorded at all.]

here comes the crazy train, not exactly as planned, everything sucks, the future sucks, rain rain go away, idkmybff rain, small rain is small, utterly fucking destroyed, brb genocide, goodbye goodbye goodbye, sometimes suicidal, shit is some serious shit, immortality sucks, kill me kill me kill me, tastebuds of ineptitude

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