Forty-third rebirth [Accidental Video]

Jan 15, 2011 23:53

[It's night. The stars and moon cast a dim light on an otherwise darkened room. The kitchen table. Yuca, sitting in a chair, his head resting in his folded arms.


And poor dear, he needed it. He hasn't slept since Rhode left, since her guarantee to stop his dreams fell through. And it seems- pleasant. But things are rarely what they appear to be.

After a moment, he twitches. Another moment, and he stirs, violently. This continues for a few long minutes, unsettling, eyes darting every which way behind their lids. And then, finally, his eyes snap open with a shocking suddenness, the red somehow bright and fearful in the dark room. But you only get a split second to admire that, because his hands find the edge of the table and he shoves, hard, sending his chair toppling one way, and the PCD and table going the other way, so it's just... filming the opposite wall.

A pot clatters to the ground. Silence.

A scream.

A garbled name. Another one. His voice sounds utterly terrified, but it's impossible to see him with the angling of the camera.]

I can't-

[A strangled sob.]

....I can't-

[His voice tapers off, slowly, the yells fading, the sobbing continuing, but barely audible now. There's a soft sound underneath them- his voice, whispering quickly, quietly to himself, a monotone of repetition, trying to find some kind of semblance of sanity, of anything in those words, Out of the depths, I cry to you O' Lord, hear my voice, out of the depths, out of the depths, out-]

[Twenty minutes later || Text || Private to Kurotsuchi]
I'll do it.

here comes the crazy train, ~retsu unohana, everything sucks, the future sucks, ~tom riddle, experimentation yay, utterly fucking destroyed, condition: this is why i have insomnia, web of secrets, voices from the past, ~horst cabal, ~alphonse elric, so out of it i don't even, ~raven, ~kurotsuchi mayuri, ~sasuke uchiha, ~lucifer (supernatural), ~tsukino usagi (sailor moon), thanks mayuri, brb genocide, too many memories, ~sakura haruno, ~zuko, sometimes suicidal, immortality sucks, shit is some serious shit, kill me kill me kill me

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