First Rebirth- [Voice]

Sep 11, 2009 00:31

[The device clicks on, and all that's heard is a soft breath for a moment, before Yuca speaks quietly.]

...I didn't expect a future like this one.

[He died, didn't he?  He remembered pulling the trigger- so the only logical conclusion was that this was the future, six hundred years from his last memory.  Just to be on the safe side-]

What year is it ( Read more... )

~retsu unohana, not exactly as planned, ~kiba inuzuka, ~beyond birthday, yuca knows everything(or maybe not), ~carmen sandiego, idkmybff rain, ~vincent valentine, ~alphonse elric, ~ciel phantomhive, ~aya brea

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Video bloodseal_soul September 11 2009, 08:57:39 UTC
It looks like the other boy covered it.

Ah, welcome. It's disorienting at first, but don't worry too much, this place isn't so bad.

Uhm, a safe place to stay is Ms. Unohana's clinic at [x,y].

Avoid the rabbits.


Video neverquitedies September 11 2009, 09:02:11 UTC
[He appears only vaguely interested, as if something else was weighing heavy on his mind.]

Yes, it does seem rather interesting, doesn't it?

Rabbits and clinics- thank you.


Video bloodseal_soul September 11 2009, 09:11:33 UTC
[Now that's strange, he's not freaking out. Most people do.]

If, ah... you're worried about something back in your world, it's all right. Apparently time stops back there.

You're welcome. Ah, what's your name...? I'm Alphonse.


Video neverquitedies September 11 2009, 09:16:52 UTC
[Yuca glances down toward the screen- the shock of arriving here must really be getting to him, because the smile comes a split-second too late to be natural.]

Yuca Collabel.

The other boy said we can't go back. Does this mean that everyone here is dead? ['Is this some kind of afterlife?']


Video bloodseal_soul September 11 2009, 09:24:11 UTC
[Amend that to possibly dangerous, but he'll withhold judgment for now. It could be possible he's just very disoriented, or not naturally friendly. The fact that he even tries to smile puts Al on edge a little.]

It's nice to meet you, Yuca. Ah. No... but if you died right before you came here, that's not unheard of either.

This place is... let me get the notes.

[He comes back with a notebook, but the part of the page that's visible isn't in the language they're speaking, it's more like some variation of Latin. Or a code.]

Apparently some scientists tried to control space and time, and tore a hole of sorts in the system that keeps everything running smoothly. Now all times, worlds, and realities are being compressed into this one spot.


Video neverquitedies September 11 2009, 09:33:07 UTC
[He's never dabbled in alternate realities before- never gave the idea much thought, really, especially not with the limited technology available to him in his past lives.]

But- [He doesn't want to press the issue, but it's too relevant to ignore.] -people die and then... are reborn here?

[Far more important to him than alternate realities- why wouldn't it be? Every reality he wakes up in is the same... until now, that is. But, just for appearance's sake.] I've barely heard of alternate realities. That sounds dangerous.


Video bloodseal_soul September 11 2009, 09:38:38 UTC
... in a sense. But people who have never died come here too. But -- [Give him a moment to flip through the pages, he should know this, but his memories are screwy right now.] -- if someone dies here, they can come back. They just... are missing something. A limb, and ability, a memory. It's not so much that they're reborn as resurrected and they have to pay a price to come back.

Yeah... it's pretty unpredictable. But any reality is dangerous, isn't it?


Video neverquitedies September 11 2009, 09:47:25 UTC
[Please hang on a moment, Yuca's face just froze, his mind quickly cycling through the possible explanations and finding none- people are reb-resurrected after death. And it's natural.

He comes to life several seconds later (lucky Al, Yuca could have spent hours sitting there, depending on his luck) and nods.]

A price to pay- that's different. I think I understand.

Any reality has dangerous pieces, yes. This place- if I'm understanding this correctly, it has the ability to take all of the dangerous pieces and fit them together like a puzzle. Though, I suppose the opposite could very well be true.


Video bloodseal_soul September 11 2009, 09:54:05 UTC
[No problem, Al had trouble processing it himself. He's fine waiting, he's reading ahead in that handwritten notebook, frowning to himself.]

It does. But the good things have just as much a chance of happening as the bad ones, thankfully. Even this chaos has some balance.

Uhm... and, one more thing. Once and a while, you'll hear strange Voices through the lines. Those are the Animus. They're the powers in this place, and they... toy with us sometimes.

Right now they've... messed up my memory. That's why I'm having to look everything up.


Video neverquitedies September 11 2009, 09:58:42 UTC

[Yuca didn't know what to think anymore. This had to either be some strange sort of death-dream, or he was reborn into a time and place where everybody was certifiably insane.]

I'm- sorry for your loss. That seems more than a little troublesome. If there's anything I can do to help... [Concern echoes in his voice.]


Video bloodseal_soul September 11 2009, 10:01:32 UTC
Yeah... you'll understand when you hear them.

[He pauses, then smiles warmly. This guy's not so bad at all.]

Don't worry, I'm getting along all right. If the others are right the effect will wear off in a few days and I'll be... well, everything will be the way it was before, and I'll remember.


Video neverquitedies September 11 2009, 10:13:47 UTC
I suppose I'll just have to hear them for myself, then.

[Positive, determined. He wants as many allies as he can get right now, especially if what they were saying was true.]

As long as you can keep it all down on that notebook, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, right?


Video bloodseal_soul September 11 2009, 10:25:15 UTC
I don't remember hearing them, myself... but my PCD started with a recording of them. I think they've locked any messages from before Sunday.

[Al nods, fingering a page.]

Yeah. Thank goodness I was prepared for something like this. Apparently I've been here a really long time, and I took these notes for myself so I wouldn't be left in the dark if something ever happened. Memory loss is common enough around here.

But... these notes are in my handwriting, so. I guess I wrote them.

[A pause, and then...]

I hope you find your friend.


Video neverquitedies September 11 2009, 16:36:25 UTC
Well, regardless, that was really intelligent of you.

[Another serene little smile, which vanishes at the mention of Rain.]

...I will. He'll come for me. [If for no other reason than to stop him from doing something terrible in this world as well.]


Video bloodseal_soul September 11 2009, 21:37:37 UTC
[Al flushes a little, rubbing the back of his neck with a half-smile.] Thank you...

That's... good, right?


Video neverquitedies September 11 2009, 21:39:54 UTC
You're welcome.

[At the question, Yuca laughs softly, nodding in response.] Of course it is. We're friends.


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