Dec 09, 2007 22:56
Hello from Hong Kong. This city is definitely on crack, but that's the way I like it. Wandering around this place is worlds apart from exploring the colonial back streets of Macau. I'm still running around the South China Sea on my own for now, but I'm meeting up with travel companions tomorrow (hopefully). Scratch what I said in my last entry, though - I do miss companionship but I still enjoy the freedom of solitude.
I'd like to think I'm living out a Murakami novel. Perhaps it's entitled, Singapore Sling. Okay, I'll think of a better title when I have more time/actually write this novel. In it, a young, angst-ridden student finds himself passionately attracted to a girl he finds in a random nightclub in Southeast Asia. She walks away and he wanders through the night in search of her. A wild chase for the truth ensues in the 2 days he has left in the country, only to leave empty handed and heartbroken. Of course, that's the dramatized version.
I am also thoroughly convinced that I am secretly Japanese and my parents have been hiding it from me all these years. Everywhere I've been so far, people guess my ethnicity in this order: (1) Japanese, (2) Chinese, (3) Wtf, what are you? But I suppose I like having the option to blend in if necessary. Of course, my cover is blown once I open my mouth, so I've learned to pretend to know what's going on and nod or shake my head accordingly. Anyway, I wish I could write more about the adventures I had over the past few days but my internet time is running out. 再见!