Sep 11, 2007 18:28

so i moved into a new apartment. it's pretty much a standard two bedroom, very much common place in portland. the floors are shag carpeted, with blue swirls very much reminicent of the 1970's. a giant love sack. a brightly colored red table with equally painted bohiemian chairs. the TV has been turned off most of the time since we moved. no cable. (so it has been covered with a tapestry as to conseal its meaningfull exsistance of reality shows and crime dramas as well as the daily "top" news. which could always be debated as being garbage. ) a bancony to smoke off of, and to spot racing ambuneces as they whirl up the hill to take joggers who occasionally pass out while making there way to and from OHSU. at least at night they turn off the siren.

its strange to think i had not relived the day with my local newscaster. more and more comments on the war. people getting shot for no reason. wifes getting arested for shotgunnin' their husbands. it seems without TV i can understand where i live is a liberal bubble. not to say this is a bad thing. it's just sometimes you forget how the rest of the world lives life. the ignorance of wanting to decrease civil libertys in hopes of "increasing" them. more laws on what not to do. how not to live. but yet we can't complain, since we all (in the states) don't have to change anything in our day to day mundane lives. we (as in americans) can't save other countries, how are we suppose to save our own.

i guess it was the movie "bobby" that made me think. it seems hard these days to have such thoughts before they are brought up in movies. it just makes me think how life could have been, yet was decided for us uselly by one person.
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