^^Yeah.. that's right... I'm an official member now... hahaha I know you don't care unless you use CB. Hmm... I vaguely remember bombing my Chemistry test today.... and pretending I never got this homework assignment in MWH... hahahah. Oh well... I'll have to do it tonight anyways. That AIME... was uh... brutal... to say the least. I think I got a grand total of 0 right... yes.. 0. I thought I had a few... but no one else put the same answer as me for anything.... Being sick makes it difficult to think clearly. Hopefully I can get better fast. Don't want my parents to stop me from going to Sadie's 'cause I'm sick. After the AIME, we still had about 10 minutes left in 7th hour... and I didn't wanna go to class.. neither did the others... and we were like, "Mr. Harrington... we don't wanna go to class." which he replied, "Okay, where do you guys wanna go?" ... and we said, "To lunch!".... and he said, "All right then, let's go to lunch."... when we got to the lunchroom... Allison appeared outta nowhere... so did Jordan.... so did Rooney.... Allison wanted to know how it went... Jordan was like, "Ray, you ditched me at lunch!"... and Rooney wanted to know why I wasn't in class... Heh. We made blueberry bread in Foods... The batter was GRAY... gray as like... elephant skin.... How strange. Perhaps it will brown with baking. Well... off to making up homework...