Jul 01, 2008 14:03
1. Most embarrassing childhood nickname: Shmoo was what my dad called me. *shrug*
2. favorite color: black, blue, red...not really any one in particular
3. favorite smell: The smell of something damp
4. worst injury: knocking out my front teeth
5. location of your first kiss: my room
6. did you think anything was ever under your bed or in your closet?: Don't think I ever really thought there was...maybe when I was really little...
7. look to your left, name three objects you see: DeWalt Electrical Professional Reference book, Map of the steel mill, bottle of water
8. what the title of the book closest to you?: DeWalt Electrical Professional Reference
9. name one thing you used to be good at but aren't anymore: playing games of make believe
10. favorite tattoo idea: I like small tattoos...like a small symbol or something
11. last thing you bought: groceries
12. last time you danced: Last time I fully danced was probably spring break. Probably have done some sorta fooling around dancing since
13. latest addiction: none in particular atm...
14. what part of your body are you most aware of right now?: my left hand
15. what do you spend the most time on the internet doing?: reading sports sites
16. faked anything lately?: work
17. where do you wish you were instead right now?: at the beach already
18. best was-lost-but-is-now-found item?: not sure...don't lose things very often for that long
19. how many ways are there for you to record your picture in the room with you?: 2: pen and paper and camera phone
20. name one thing you wish you already finished: tracking insulation shipments for the #2 mast arm for the ladle