Finally, I don't have to worry about tests for...a week or so...well, anyway, this frees me up to get some on my fannish stuff done. Inclllluuuding,...
The "Talk to Me Now" Video starring Steph, Cass, Babs, Kate and Helena! I have such a crush on this song. I even want to do another one starring JUST Steph...I know I shouldn't, after all, Steph's already in THIS video (and she's probably in it the most, considering I gots the most scans available of her) and no one wants to see two vids of the same song but agggh! It's a sickness!
Ahem. Well, here's some comics reviews.
World's Finest #4:
Man, Steph and Kara totally have to be rescued by the men. In fact, Steph's rescued by the men TWICE. And one of the men is DAMIAN so arrgggh. (Granted she's still one up on him, since she's saved his ass twice over in her own title). (And he calls her fat and she doesn't even give him a SNAPPY COMEBACK! Snappy comebacks are what Steph DOES she could own him verbally in three words or less, but no, she just whines about him being rude.
But um, oh my god that Phil Noto art is so amazing I want to marry it. And his Steph is the best. Look at Steph getting all up in Toyman's grill!
Girl be FIERCE!
The plot was meh, it was like Robot attacks, stuff happens. And I'm not sure HOW Steph and Damian got captured by Mr. Freeze when Damian was supposed to be fighting him. Guess Damian let his escape! God, Damian!
But you know what? I might be willing to forgive to comics all it's flaws for this one glorious panel.
Fuck yeah, Supergirl.
This panel is awesome for so many reasons
1. Someone finally giving Damian what for regarding his rudeness, sexism and sizism (little booger may have grown on me in Batgirl, but he still needs a super-sized spanking)
2.Steph's expression, which just might be the best thing ever.
3. But most importantly, Kara. Being awesome. And sending a really GOOD message. This is what I love about Sterling Gates Supergirl. She's assertive, forthright, confident and not afraid to smack someone who does wrong. But she's also a good person with her priorities in the right place. I love how she amends herself, telling Damian he shouldn't call ANYONE fat, period, that it isn't just a girl thing. I love that she's PICKED HIM UP off the ground to lecture him. This Kara? Is not only awesome but a good role model for girls
I mean,compare this of the tenth Supergirl issue or whatever, where Supergirl was among these girls who made fun of a fat girl. Did she stand up for the girl? Did she help her out? No. She waited until the popular girls went after her, then she ripped her clothes off, babbled something about being yourself, and FLEW AWAY to leave that girl to continue to be tormented. She didn't send any positive message at all, she didn't do anything remotely heroic, so much so that the overweight girl actually CALLED her on this in a later issue.
And any postive message sent, would have been of course undercut by the fact Supergirl back then was stick thin and oversexualized to the point of no return. Kara these days is still thinner than most women, but she looks like she enjoys FOOD on occasion and is mostly just fit and athletic looking.
Kara calling out Damian on his fatphobic bullshit. Kara standing up for her new friend. Kara being AWESOME. I love it.
Okay, before i got sidetracked: This mini good as I thought it would be, and there were a lot of things that got under my skin or were just dull. However, it established a strong friendship between Steph and Kara, which is just great, and it let me add Superman to the "acquainted" heroes" list on the Steph wiki, which is just eeeee! Steph is hangin' with Supergirl and Superman. She's really hit the big time! Also, I got to see Jamal Igle draw Steph, and some great Noto art. So even if this mini had some annoying shit, and could have been ten times more awesome, I'm glad I got it.
Booster Gold
*sigh* Farewell, Jaime. A really rushed last segment and I'm not really sure what the point of this "Scarab goes evil" arc was at all. Peacemaker is dick, and not in a funny way. Paco is sad that the comic is cancelled like I am and Milagro is awesome.
Booster does boring stuff. Basically, this comic made me depressed.
Secret Six #18:
Amanda Waller just can't help but be amazing, can she? I love her so much, in all her morally ambiguous, jerkass-ish glory. She gets shot and she's still awesome! Not sure what she wants to accomplish being Mockingbird, but I bet it's awesome! Also, the Six won't be cowed, and Scandal is basically still leader, she just lets Bane think he's in charge to make him feel better. <3
I forgot to get the Unwritten! Man, I'm stupid. I'll just have to get it tomorrow. Anyway, that's the comics of last week!