Why are people who like Twilight reading my HP fanfics? I thought twilight and HP were at like constant war or something. I didn't know it was possible to like both. (even though I OH SO BRIEFLY did)
Also, I am so mad at Darrin because he sold all the goddamn Wonder Womans and Worlds Finest and saved none for me. Whatever happened to LOYALTY? I wouldn't mind as much but I had to listen to this middle-aged fat asshole (NOT Darrin, another customer) rub in my face that he got the last issues and he didn't even really care about the comics so how hilarious he got the last issue and refused to sell them to me and then he talked about how rich he was and that Batgirl was going to be canceled soon. He thinks it's amusing he gets in arguments with me, but I just think he's a condescending creep and I just act jokey and like I'm interested in our arguments so I don't snap and tell him to FUCK OFF. Because seriously, I don't care if you hate all these characters who-happen-to-be-teen-girls-Mr.-Issues and I don't care if you have enough money to buy the first issue of Batman, you suck.
Anyways, since I've now learned Darrin has not damn loyalty to me, his friend and employee, I set up a pull list.
Ahem. So, it snowed here again and I was stuck at home, but then I came back for Shane's bday only of course I missed it. So now I'm stuck here and I wanna go home.
I'll review the comics I DID get and last week's Power Girl
Power Girl #7
I've been sort of meh-ing on the past few issues, but I genuinely enjoyed this one. It was a lot of fun, Vartox in a Speedo and the Pregno Ray was hilarious and Connor's art was spot on as always. I'm actually pretty stoked to see what happens next with Satana and Dr. Sivana. It's nice to have a light and frothy comic.
Supergirl #49
Whoa. Excellent art from Matt Camp the fill in artist, especially Lana bleeding out, that made me say "ew!" out loud. Kara running in and panicking about not hearing Lana's heartbeat and her collapsing on her knees and tuning the doctor out had real emotional resonance. (Also, her shirt totally looked like Steph's Batgirl costume. Maybe she and Steph are trading clothes now?) But of course, Lana isn't dead, she's in a GIANT INSECT COCOON! Most of the internet fans guessed this due to Igle dropping the hint we'd find the answer to Lana's illness in Busiek's run. A really gruesome, heartfelt and surprising issue. I really can't wait for #50 now.
I really wish this title wasn't going back into crossovers. Gates does amazing stuff when he's not bogged down b 'em. But alas. I'm worried if the crossovers keep up, I'll have to drop the title, and I REALLY don't want to, but I getting really tired of this stuff.
Detective Comics
A serial killer is after Bette's ear so he can make the perfect woman just like that episode of Buffy oh noes! It was really nice to see Bette again, and I liked the splash of both Batman and Batwoman interrogating their suspects. The Huntress/Question backup was sweet, Rene and Helena snark at their finest, Renee has a touching moment when she's knocked into Vic's picture but then they make a deal with a killer and Tot's all "Charlie would be ASHAMED OF YOOOOUU!" What a mood killer.
That's all for comics! Oh, and I sporked chapter five of DAYD, containing the worst Sue cliche yet:
Part 1 Part 2 Well, I'ma gonna study/mope/write/supermope. See yas!