1. I do this thing where I use unwashed hair as a motivator for working out. I will save washing my hair until after I work out, b/c showering a night and washing the next morning is WASTEFUL. Thus I ensure I will work out so I can wash my hair.
2. I doubt my comittment to writing. I have to make myself do it, and I don't do it often enough. Yet it's the only thing I've ever wanted to do.
3.Ron is my favorite name for a boy. I named my cat Ron. He is big and he has a squeaky meow he annoys us all with. I suck at naming cats- other hit names I've come up with are Sweet Kitty (granted, I was 8) and Dimples. I named my dog Sari though, and it fit her perfectly.
4. I am addicted to sporkings, and I've decided to fight the addiction by actually doing one. It's a lot harder than expected. You really end up dwelling on things and getting angry about things you would normally brush off, and it becomes a kind of perverse dedication. I don't know why I enjoy making fun of bad fanfiction. I don't understand myself.
5. I sometimes wonder if I should try wearing makeup and dressing girly so people notice me. But that would require work. And getting up earlier. And why do I want to attract shallow people?
6. I feel like I failed high school. I never went to the prom. I never did anything of note. Sometimes I sit and feel hollow about it.
7. Callie died over thanksgiving. My cat. I feel guilty for not doing a memorial post for her, like I did for Mariah- she was always pushed around by Mariah as her daughter and she was so shy and she hated everyone but me and Mom- I gave her the same stepping stone gravestone, and found Dad had moved Mariah's back onto the path and it really pissed me off b/c I couldn't put it back exactly where her grave was- I never confronted him about it though.
I guess I choose
parsimonia ,
missmayze ,
big_wired shanealt shanejayellschmevil a_trill stephsvoice