DUMdedumdum...Internet fandom flashbacks ahoy!

Apr 02, 2009 19:17

Getting really sick of high school. Dear God, let it be over with already! Also, starting to have nerves related to my upcoming AP exams.

I just can't wait 'till summer. I want to sleeeeep forever and hang out....of course, I'll have a job (if I can find one) but it should still be fun.

Going through the wanktastic posts at HMS STFU has me reading the Harry Potter books again. It's been a while, and I forgot how much FUN they were, and how many different, near characters there were and how much I love 'em. Not to mention the snappy dialogue and magical shenannigans.

Brings back memories of my childhood internet fandom again. Like I mentioned before, there was a community called ThinkPotter that was a life saver for poor pathetic twelve year old me, because it was full of really mature, thoughtful people who were willing to be my friend (at the time I wasn't acquainted with the Internet enough to realized how truly rare this was.) I dunno if I could've gotten through half my teenage crises without that forum to vent to. I wasn't ALLOWED to talk about my alcoholic daddy in real life, so I vented to them. And they always treated me with kindness and acceptance.

There was Godric, who was really funny (and Irish), Aramantha, who was really, really nice. She always was the first to comfort me and stuff. Belorin was really smart, and we were all convinced he was a secret wizard (jokingly) and Irish J was  the required forum smartass, but he was also nice behind all the razor sharp sarcasm. He was the main guy who put the forum back together when the main administrator, Scott, scampered, and it kind of shut down. (All the forums I join seem to eventually self destruct. Heck, I made FIVE posts on Comic Bloc, and they died and had to rebuild. Then there's Superdickery, and scans_daily...shit, Shane better hope I don't kill Calamity) And there was Banker and Kimdudley and all of them...

Of course, after the reconstruction it was never quite the same and we eventually died out, and I moved on to comics. But reading HP made me remember the fanfics we did back there, there was this guy named CornedBee who was a fellow Hermione fan and was going to do the whole series from Hermione's PoV. He did the first two and they were very good and everyone was in character...then he mysteriously dissappeared. There was a fic similar to that I stumbled upon, that did Hermione's diary in years 1-4 (the author tried to do OotP but got too depressed rereading it. I guess she was a Sirius fan). Oh, and they also did Ginny's diary in Second Year! That was good stuff.

But anyway, I'm reading the books to Dad now. He read the first one when I was...what...ten? twelve? But never got past that. Mom I've read all of them too. I'm determined to read the whole series now while I'm reliving my childhood. (Or more accurately, my tweens)

As for comics, since only Teen Titans stuff came out this week and I was busy on Wednesday, I'm prolly going to get the stuff tomorrow. I will flip through Flash Rebirth at the store, since it looks and sounds terrible and I could care less about Barry, but I want to see the scene with Bart for myself. I will also probably make a Casstoon out of it, since it sounds so very parody-able. Though I'm with Bart, I want Max back too. NOW! I SAY NOW! He's not even actually DEAD, guys, GEEZ. You just need to find Rival and shove him back in the Speed Force so Max can kick his ass and getting his body back. Much more logical than Barry coming back.

There's also this 'zine someone did that is a cultural study on Robins, including STEPH! And she's on the cover and stuff! That makes me very happy, I put it in the wiki and everything.sharpest-rose.livejournal.com/1032810.html I'm buying it when I graduate.

I think that's all. There might be something else, but I can't remember it. My cuz is comin' for the weekend, should be fun.

fandom, bart allen, hermione granger, robin, family, harry potter, teen titans, teen angst, school, stephanie brown

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