Woo! I just went to see Coraline. It was really good, just a good as the book. It stayed true to the spirit of the book but does it's own thing and it's spectacular. Like a kickass modern-day fairy tale.
I found a graphic novel of Coraline at Books a Million, and the art is super pretty so I wanted to get it, but I left it there and they moved it. I shall find it though!
In other news, I've been co-anchoring the school news and some random teacher cornered me in the hallway and told me my expressions on the news "look rude". Our school news is kind of crazy. The teleprompter will malfunction, I'm under hot lights and the co anchor who filled in for the day was Oliver, who is super annoying. He's constantly freaking out over everything not being perfect, and always plays music or Youtube videos really loud when we're working on the computers and has NO SOCIAL SKILLS AT ALL. I don't think he's malicious, but I cannot stand him. Anyway, he stole my line, and the camera stayed on me too long, so I looked all confused at him. Sometimes I look incredulous when my other co anchor (who is Jackie, she's nice) says something weird.
Apparently I'm not supposed to show any emotion at all. The teacher was all "I just wanted you to be aware of your expressions, one of my homeroom students thought you were rude." I think his homeroom students need to get a life, and clearly have been super sheltered. "Rude?" Are they cynical high school students or ARE THEY? I bet it was a freshman. This damn "Freshmen Experience" has ruined the Freshmen. They get this special "experience" or whatever so they think they're special and aren't ready for the real world. I'm glad I came a year before that started, otherwise I'd be ruined too. (Well, the Freshmen when I was a Sophomore were cool, because they knew the Experience thing was new and stupid. Freshmen year in high school is aBOUT being horribly confused and hating yourself. It toughens you up! You shouldn't have your hand held! It nearly drove me to suicide but I came out a better person! Now these kids will just have problems later in life, like being whiny little bitches who get offended at "rude people")
Where was I? Well, it was weird, since the teacher just cornered me. He was really nice about it (or pretending to be) saying he just thought I should know and I did a good job otherwise. But I think he was lying because he would NOT stop talking to me until I was like "Okay, I understand" (which led to us talking a long time, since I kept trying to defend myself and convey to him subtly his students were stupid little whiners). It was just WEIRD because I'd never MET him before and he just cornered me.
Anyway, we're switching off anchors on Monday, so it does not matter.
By the way, John did call me back the day after Valentines and was all "I can't have the stress of a girlfriend now and I just want to be friends, can we still be friends?" So that's that. He wants to hang out this weekend, so I'll call him tomorrow.
Anyway on to comic reviews
Robin #183
Meh. Shiva jobs to Tim. Somehow she doesn't check her food for poison despite being a master assassin. I'm surprised she managed to live past twenty. Also, I don't see her as a chocolate type, being super devoted to martial arts and all. I'd think she wouldn't eat sweets that much. Didn't she send Black Canary a special diet when she was training her? That forbade sweets? I imagine she's adhere to that diet herself as well, wouldn't you?
I'm really annoyed at Fabian for what he did to Steph because now she has like a dozen more haters on scans_daily and I have to defend her honor, but it's so HARD because what she did WAS stupid and horrible. (though no one seems to realize this is ALL BATMAN'S FAULT since he PUT her in that position she clearly wasn't suited for) I think Fabian's trying to win our war by making me stop loving Steph. Well IT WON'T WORK FABIAN OKAY I WILL ALWAYS LOVE STEPH YOU CANNOT CHANGE THAT YOU WILL NOT BREAK ME!
She better kick so much ass in Gotham Gazette, I swear to GOD. It had better be worth it!
Anyway, the moment with Jason was okay, and I like that Dick was nice enough to tell Tim they're gonna be okay. Awww. And I like that Steph snubbed Tim and kept her Spoiler costume out. She is clearly not going to listen to him. Fight the emo, Steph!
TotallyhardcoreminiBruce!Tim reaaaallly isn't doing it for me though.
I liked the backup though. Tim's mother being acknowledged! The Obea man bought to justice! Super excellent colors too! It was a neat little back up, and I like that Fabian chose Tim finally capturing his mothers killer as the cap to the series.
RIP Robin. Miss ya.
Birds of Prey #127
There is no meh "meh" enough to cover this issue. Just boring and contrived. Way to dump your charge on Huntress, Oracle! Super responsible! I don't blame Tony Bedard though. After all, there is no NON contrived way for Oracle to abandon the BoP.
The backup was worse and does not engender high hopes for the mini. As bluefall eloquently pointed out on s_d, NO version of Babs became Batgirl because she idolized Batman. She was always self made. And the emo about her wheelchair- GA! Stop beating us over the head with your inane plan to make Babs Batgirl again! It will never happen! *buries head deep in sand*
Also, Cass was supposed to be in this. Laaaaame.
Oh well, at least no one died.
Supergirl #38
Damn, this title is so awesome. We now know Superwoman is not a Kryptonian and the mystery deepens! Also, the Origins and Omens actually furthered the arc! Lana is sick! Intriguing! And awesome hints to the future. Only Origin and Omens look to the future that's really excited me. I wonder who Kara's kissing? And the dialogue and characterization were spot on as always with Sterling Gates.
And the art is great on the regular story AND backup! I will never stop adoring the fact Kara's wearing shorts.
Well, must run! But first, a Casstoon. Inspired by this little statue from the ami-comi line-
img24.imageshack.us/img24/5528/batgirlstatueyf8.jpg Yeeeeahhh. As far as I can see, the purpose of the ami-comi line is to make superheroines look even more fetishy. I started thinking of what they would do to Spoiler. Her costume is just entirely practical and non fetishy (One of the reasons I love her), they wouldn't have anything to grab on to, not even like Cass's stitches! But I was sure they would find a way. And I doodled a bit and the idea took hold and turned into this little Casstoon making fun of stuff:
My mind is strange indeed...