Before I get into reviews, I should note that I am very happy to find the Stephanie Brown Database linked on Steph's actual wikipedia article. And I didn't even do it! Some other person did! I feel important.
And now, my reviews:
Robin #180:
Remind me to post an in depth analysis of some of the pro's and con's of Fabian's Steph sometime. For now, I'll just say this was a good issue. I'm mostly happy that Stephanie didn't think of the stupid "Put Robin Under Pressure to Make Him a Better Robin" plan on her own, that Batman, in his RIP crazy, ordered her to do it. It still strikes me as OOC but at least I can rationalize she'd be paranoid about not listening to Batman after War Games, no matter how ridiculous his orders were. Of course, either way, it will lead to more pointless Drama!!!111 between Tim and Steph, I just hope Stephanie gets a chance to defend herself instead of the "Tim condemns her as worst person ever, Steph is ashamed" stuff Fabian seems to be fond of.
Anyway, a good issue. I especially loved Steph's hesitant inner monologue and "I don't need help!" when Tim grabbed her. Oh, Steph, you're so stubborn, I love you. And Tim's use of fear gas is interesting. I especially liked Freddie's splash page that followed it, very striking. Freddie's art has improved, Tim still looks awful with his Elvis sideburns, but Steph looks a lot better.
The General is Red Robin surprise surprise. I guessed that last issue. And Tim gets blowed up by Anarky, oh noes (according to scans_daily, Anarky blowing up stuff randomly is OOC)
Supergirl #35
Another excellent issue. Though I'm dissapointed we didn't get a reaction to Jonathan Kent's death from Kara, the conflict between her and her parents is very interesting. And we got a quick, believable yet hilarious clean up to all her different personalities and convoluted origins! Kryptonite poisoning, ha. I demand that be the fix to Cass and Donna Troy's respective situations. I don't care if it doesn't make sense for them. It does make sense for Kara, who was trapped in the stuff when Batman found her.
Also, I love the art. It's very expressive, and the design for Superwoman is lovely. I've already guessed who Superwoman probably is (Thara Ak Var, Kara's could tell because she was in Kandor and had brown hair) but never mind. It could be a red herring. (Oh, how I'd love it if it was Linda. Unless Linda's Flamebird, because that would be good too.)
Very good issue, I'm optimistic about the new team.
Terra #2
Oh, Amanda Conner. Your art is so cheesecakey, but I don't mind cuz it's fun. And this was a fun comic. The Power Girl/Terra team up was cool, and Terra showed more of a personality (Extremely private and standoffish, but also sarcastic and good at manipulating people) and the plot thickens with the random origin talk and Geoforce. Even if it didn't, I'd keep buying, because Amanda Conner's art is so cute!
BatO #13
What the HELL is this shit? Spoiler, still with random invisibility powers? Frank Tieri, I don't know what canon you're inhabiting, but STEPH IS NOT INVISIBLE and NO ONE CARES ABOUT GOTHAM UNDERGROUND. And the worst part is, Cass and Steph were in the same place and didn't even HUG or TALK or anything. AGGGGGGGGHHHH NOT CANON NOT MY CANON.
I want a proper reunion dammit! Where are the editors? Couldn't someone have said to Tieri "BTW Cass and Steph are bff's and haven't been reunited yet, and Spoiler isn't invisible?"
And the art. I can only hypothesize the reason Spoiler is invisible is that there is an alien with no internal organs and a spine made out of silly putty wearing her costume. Cass noticed, which is why she didn't say hi, and is off to tell the real Steph. Together they will defeat this alien menace.
Til then, this is not canon. I demand someone else write a proper Batgirl/Spoiler reunion. NOW.
Oh, other stuff happened too but it was boring and Cass is better written here than by Beechen, but that isn't saying much. At all.
Annnnddd tha-tha-that's all folks. I have today off, it's a snow day except not really, yay!