Oh snap- righteous reviews of August 08

Aug 11, 2008 11:56

I cannot send my letter to Jann Jones yet because my printer is out of paper, plus I need to edit it a little to include WHY Beechen doesn't write a good Cass at parsimonia's suggestion. (I think I kind of forgot anyone would need that explained to them : P)

In other news my birthday is tomorrow (Yay!) in which I turn 17, and my senior year starts a week from then. (BOO!) I have been a bad girl and not done any volunteer work this summer when I need to get hours for the National Honors Society. *sigh* On the other hand, I'm making good progress on Pride and Prejudice for English and enjoying it, so at least I'm not procrastinating TOO horribly on that.

New comics in two days- Booster Gold (I look forward to the Dixoness and the Babsness!) and Wonder Woman (I look forward to the just plain awesomeness) and...*checks DC's site* Yeah, that's it. Gosh, the cover of Green Arrow/Black Canary is pretty. *MUST NOT BE TAKEN IN BY PRETTY ART*

Anyway, my point is, time to review all those comics I have lazily NOT reviewed.

Huntress Year One #5 and #6-

I am dissapointed, which shocks and alarms me. This series, which had an incredibly stellar first four issues, fell apart a bit on the last two. I remember I was under the impression early it would just be a four issue miniseries, and now I kind of wish I was right. While Madison writes a truly awesome Huntress, she completely fails at writing Bruce and Babs, and to some extent, Selina.

The thing that irks me most about issue #5 is Babs. First of all, how Huntress made her look like an idiot. Babs is smart and capable, she should have at least given Helena a hell of a good fight, if not beat her completely. A Helena vs. Babs fight should be huge and epic, not a handful of panels where Babs gets in a sucker punch before Helena completely owns her.

Then we have Bruce yelling at Babs that she's fired. WTF, Bruce? There's Batdickery, then there's just being sad. Not only would Bruce NEVER say that to Babs unless he seriously meant it, and by yelling it at her he comes across as some petulant child who takes out his anger on others, there's no way Babs would take that. Reading Batgirl Year One, Babs is very independent and capable. She describes herself as a "free agent" and never had any real aim to be a "Bat." Unlike Dick, she did not live with Batman or require his approval, so she didn't take his crap. If Bruce threw a fit like he does in this issue, Babs would say "screw you" and walk away. She's not Bruce's employee or servant, and she spent a while working completely without his consent and can do it again. She's not a afraid to speak her mind, and would not put up with such treatment. And Bruce KNOWS this.

Not to mention, this is pre-DickLeavesJasonDiesBabsisShotHorriblethingsOhGod, so Bruce should be a lot less uptight an dickish in the first place.

Maybe I'm just really sensitive about this considering what happened that other time Bruce told a young woman she was fired...

Moving on...I kind of like Selina's speech to Helena, it was neat ("So you're the anarcha-feminist of Gotham?" "Call me Catwoman, it's shorter.") But what the hell is Selina doing smoking? Anyone with an athletic occupation, which Selina definitely has, knows smoking will ruin their abilities. Selina's far too smart to do this. Plus, no way is she 29 in this period.

Onto #6, Babs is humiliated aGAIN (Maybe Madison just doesn't like Babs?) Oh, and Batman totally hasn't fired her. Chump. Also, Helena leaves WAY too many people alive who know her name. Also, Batman should not know her name, if he does we lose that thing where Tim figured out her identity and kept it secret from Bruce and they had this weird friendship and it was adorable! (Also, proving my point that Tim's secret superpower is guessing everyone's secret identity- Bart, Steph, Bruce, Dick, Helena- it's UNCANNY!)

Anyway, Helena is still cool, and I loved Catwoman in this, despite the smoking. It just...Madison, WHY? It was so awesome and now it's all flawed! Guh!


Blue Beetle #30

Many of my friends didn't like this, but I thought it captured the feel of Jon Roger's run very well. The plot is still in the beginning stages, and we have yet to see how the tricky immigration issue will be treated, and there were some flaws, but I love the one liners and character interaction (Jaime makes his own sound effects! Brenda and Paco argue! Jaime suggests names for supervillians! God, I love the supervillian title fight, so cracktastic) So I'm optimistic.


Supergirl #32

Sigh. What happened? I don't know. All I know is it was sort of cool when that guy  Dolok kept going back in time, but it did not matter because Kara was there to punch him. EVERY TIME. Otherwise...eh?

Oh well. Empress next! Then new and possibly exciting run!


Robin #176

All right. This was well written, I will admit. I especially liked the flashback to Tim getting his costume, and how Dick was totally snarky about it and they teased each other like brothers.

"My costume is scary now!"
"No it isn't, it has underwear on the outside!"
"Oh, like you can talk, at least I have tights under my underwear!"
"Yes, but now I have a Nightwing costume and I look incredibly sexy in it."

Meanwhile, Tim has gone batshit insane or something because he's yelling at everyone and sticking batarangs in people's eyes and Stephanie is naturally concerned about this, but WAIT, Batman talked to her forty nine hours ago (I guess she gave the when off panel, or else Tim just assumes it's forty nine hours because he's GONE INSANE) and told her he was planning on going crazy so please make sure Tim doesn't get involved?Apparently making sure Tim doesn't get involved involves following him around voicing skepticism and faint concern and deleting pictures of the Goddamn Batman.

Anyway, Tim is really mad about this and SWINGS AWAY INTO THE NIGHT.


Okay, I'm looking forward to Search for a Hero and the developments with Stephanie, but this felt kind of meh to me.Maybe because of the crossoverness, or maybe it's a side effect of how quickly Fabian must have had to write it.

Also, I really don't like Joe Bennett's art. It's so generic and there's a few panels that made me go "whuh?"



Okay, I suppose that's it. See yas!

spoiler, barbara gordon, blue beetle, kara zor-el, robin, tim drake, fabian nicieza, batman, catwoman, supergirl, jann jones, stephanie brown, huntress, reviews

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