From Gino Patti
Jeremy Funderburk
And a adorable chibi Tim Michelle gave me
More news from the con:
Newsarama was incorrect in the report that Dan DiDio kept saying Manazons. Really, he kept saying MAMmazons. Jann Jones corrected him in this, and he said "Oh, that's an entirely different thing, isn't it..." Jimmy Palmiotti said "That's what we're getting in the Power Girl ongoing!" Cue laughter.
At the artists panel with Darwyn Cooke, he said he was originally contacted by Geoff Johns to write Wally's retirement before IC. Darwyn has three conditions: Nobody will be raped. Nobody will be killed. Wally and his family will walk off into the sunset, happy." Lots of cheering, me and the girl who questioned about YJ/Linda/Spoiler the loudest. Darwyn goes on to say Geoff responded "You know, that's so crazy, it just might work..."
Darwyn had the scripts plotted out, and was going to write them when Johns called as said "Um, you need to actually write the Flash's retirement except, not really, because we need him for Infinite Crisis?" At that point Darwyn graciously backed out.
Cooke doesn't really like continuity, the only kind he really respects are the continuities set up by the people who created the characters he worked with. When he wrote New Frontier, they did not want him to use Wonder Woman because of what George Perez had done, and wanted it to be Black Canary instead. Cooke said "I don't care about what Perez did, I just care about using Wonder Woman."
Amanda Conner is eight pages away from being completely done with the Terra mini and it should come out in the fall (I asked her this on michealdark on Superdickery's behalf, I owe him, he's the one who invited me to the forum) She loved drawing Terra and the characters, but hated drawing the rocks.
More if I remember it.