Jun 12, 2008 16:41
Sorry about that freakout last night ladies and gents- the news was just very unexpected, and you know how I get about Steph...
It really torques me off that it appears Chuck didn't leave but someone forced him too. Short of mooning DC, I don't think he could have done anything to deserve that (some people are all "oh the liberal thought police got on him because of his views!" Right. DC was never very liberal, and they wouldn't have hired Dixon in the first place if they were afraid of that little snafu. DC doesn't give a crap about a writers politics. Which, for the record, I VEHEMENTLY disagree with said views, but still like Chuck as a writer, especially since they rarely poke through his work [Sometimes they do, though, but more subtly than most at least *sigh*])
Now, let's pretend my opinion matters and say the only people I would trust to write Robin and/or a Spoiler mini (Do you think that will get canned or someone else will write it?) besides Dixon:
People I would absolutely trust
Jon Lewis
Kelley Puckett
Anderson Gabrych
People I might trust
Peter Tomasi
Brandon Thomas
People who I would trust but would never do either title except in my wildest dreams
Gail Simone
If these people get the title I will cry and listen to emo music
Adam Beechen
Frank Tieri
Judd Winick
Sean Mckeever
...My emo list is longer than any of my others. :(
Okay, lets get onto reviews.
Wonder Woman #21:
A home run, as usual. I heart Gail's Wondy so. I love her outfits too. I also love Aaron Lopresti's art, the giant Gorilla's, Nemesis referencing Schoolhouse Rock, swordfights, "We prefer to be called trollops, Diana finally being called on abandoning her gods, giant clam vehicles, Alkyone apparently alive and she killed a giant shark (megadon. Or whatever), More Hyppy and the whole epic feel to the arc in general.
I just love this book.
...Did anyone else get a Babs vibe from that oracle lady? Red hair and can't use her legs?
And of course they called her the Oracle.
Booster Gold #11
Okay, I have to admit it, that last scene was totally gay and I loved it.
I MEAN COME ON THEY WERE LOOKING LIKE THAT AT EACH OTHER THRU THE GLASS LIKE THAT....usually I don't go for subtext in everything and turning friendships into romantic relationships unless they're otherwise hinted at...however, Ted and Mike are an exception after this scene. I won't dwell on it too much though.
(I also want Babs and Dinah to get together solely so Dinah can not be Ollie's sidekick anymore)
(Other than that, I never ship unless the relationship is established in canon)
Also, Ted stepped on Mr. Mind. That is hilarious. Mr. Mind was unexpected too. I liked the whiteout effect in the last few pages.
And the scarab appearing out of nowhere makes me think it's not quite over...because the cliched "I must die" ticks me off, it it wasn't over it would save it from being cliched, please don't be over...
Gotham Underground
I like Frank Tieri's Penguin.
And his Riddler.
Maybe he should just do a series called "The Amazing Adventures of Ozzie and Eddie" and there are no other characters and it is just the Penguin and Riddler getting drunk and recounting old tales of silly villainy.
Because that's the only thing I'd ever buy again written by him.
Why did the Spoiler leave a note saying she was sorry to the Penguin? How does any of this fit into continuity? NO SENSE IT MAKES.
Though Robin's note was kind of cute, but Jim Gordon was so OOC it didn't matter.
Well. It's over.
And now he's going to write Outsiders. *head desk*
Huntress Year One #3
This is so awesome. Yay, Sal is alive! Yay, more overt feminism! And the art remains beautiful. I really like the little flashback panels, like when Helena hugged Sal. And "I need to be dressed to kill." Oh Helena. You rock.
Ivory Madison needs a Huntress ongoing. Like now. She is perfect for Helena.
Teen Titans Go #55
Hey, they only printed part of it. The semi sarcastic part. So it sounds like I'm serious when I say if TTG is canceled all hope is lost. In fact I sound really whiny.
Let's see if the whole thing is still on my hard drive...
....GodDAMN I wrote a lot of letters to DC about TTG. They must have though I was friggin' INSANE. Which I am. The only one I didn't appear to save (or I just can't find it) was the one I wrote to Johnny DC.
So you'll just have to trust me when I say it's not as pathetic as I sound.
Johnny DC replies that he is sorry, and publishing the comic just doesn't make sense and I should read Tiny Titans (NO. Not unless there is a tiny Spoiler. Then you will have won me over) or Robin (Already do. Though I would like some STABILITY in the writers PLEASE) or regular Teen Titans (Hahahahaha NO) and I could soothe my broken comic book heart by writing my own comic.
Actually, it was pretty nice. You could tell he was sorry the comic was canceled.
Onto the actual issue, which was really good and made me sadder it was the last. I seriously did not guess Phobia was behind everything until we got to the splash that had everything in dream bubbles and I was like "Waitwait Torres said in an interview he was going to use Phobia..."
BB's and Starfire's phobias were really sad, especially the way BB was all like "...Mom?" to Rita. And "Don't you guys leave me TOO!" And Starfire's whole "I AM NOT going to get captured by the Gordanians again"
And poor Robin, so completely lost without his fellow team mates.
BUT SILKIE THE SILKWORM SAVES THE DAY! No really he does. That's what's so awesome about TTG.
Especially the way Starfire waved Silkie on the screen!
Robin: We "fear" your plans have been foiled.
Starfire: By my adorable bumgorf! Hee Hee!
Brotherhood of Evil: ....
And then the kids reassure each other. And unlike the (ugh) current Titans book, you really believe these kids are family and love each other. Like Raven's playful ribbing of Beast Boy
Raven: No, Trigon the Terrible is not returning. The only terror we have to worry about here is the green one.
Beast Boy: Hey, take that back or I won't invite you to the Dayton barbeque!
See, Judd Winick? If you're trying to imitate animated Raven, get that she actually likes her friends, and just happens to have a dry wit. Pleezthnx. It's clear when she teases BB here she's doing it out of fun, and she really does consider him her friend.
Aw, TTG. The show you're based is what got me into comics, and both it and this comic were of top quality. I'll miss you. *sniff*
nevermore is important,
wonder woman,
jon lewis,
gail simone,
chuck dixon,
ted kord,
booster gold,
teen titans go!,
gotham underground