May 17, 2008 11:12
Wonder Woman was freakin' amazing.
I mean, I've been thinking about how I would produce a Wonder Woman movie. I mean, Batman in detective noir. Superman is sci-fi. Wonder Woman is total, epic, mythology. Wonder Woman fights GODS. Wonder Woman's mission is to end WAR. For like, ever. And the best writer will make us believe, that yes, she will do that someday.
What they need to make a good movie is a writer who will screw the cheesecake and really focus on that. Don't waste too much time on her origin. Write from character, but on an epic scale.
Gail Simone should write a Wonder Woman movie. Because she totally gets that aspect of the character.
Because apparently Wonder Woman's new mission is to kill the devil. And Gail makes me believe that this means...the devil is screwed.
There were many amazing things in this issue. My favorite had to be the scene with the wolves. It was so sad, and it showcase Wondy's compassion. I nearly teared up when she put her hand on it's forehead and it calmed down and we heard it's inner thoughts of PAINPAINPAIN.
We also get an awesome costume, a promise of a forthcoming explanation of why the Avatar of Truth is working a job based on deception, a Beowulf team up, Etta Candy being badass and funny, and a reference to when Diana worked at Taco Whiz. What more could youwant?
The art was great, but Etta Candy was too freakin' THIN. Give the woman some meat, dammit. And one shot had Diana Wundie's not completely covering her ass. But it was totally non-sexualized and beautiful otherwise.
Huntress Year One
This was amazing and the are was gorgeous and dark, which totally fit Helena. The writing was dark and really fit, too. I'm very glad we have another female writer breaking into the biz, and one that so far, seems to be excellent and *gasp* a feminist! In her interview she said she expressly told the artist "no sexay poses for no reason pleez" and this book had a very feminist undertone. I especially liked the scene where they were discussing the difference between actress and actor, and she says to her surrogate brother "A heroine is someone who gets saved by the hero....I don't want to be heroine. I want to be a hero, like you." And then when she saves Salvatore from the boor (with her crossbow and knife!) he says "Helena, you're the best hunter I've ever seen." And she says sarcastically "That's Huntress, Sal." and he says "Huntress, you're my hero."
Awww. Best origin for superhero name ever!
Booster Gold #10
JLI reunion! Admittedly, this seems to be going more and more towards "Ted must die for the timeline" which is SO boring, and it wasn't as good as it could've been, but for the moment, it's really fun. Dr. Light totally killed Max and nobody got on HER about morals this time, though. Why? Because MAX MURDERED LOIS FOR REALS! But it was still badass.
Gotham Underground #8
You know, if I had stopped expecting ANYthing from this series, I would be upset that despite the fact the SOLICIT said "Featuring the Spoiler!", the preview blurb in last ish said "Spoiler spoils Penguins plans!" and the COVER had her on it, she wasn't in it. At ALL.
But I don't care, so I'm just waiting for Robin (less than one week away!)
This was boring otherwise. Basically Penguin got owned and Batman beat up Vigilante. That's all that happened, I'm not kidding.
So, pretty awesome comics.
...Did I mention less than one week until Robin #174?
wonder woman,
gail simone,
ted kord,
booster gold,
gotham underground