! Winter Break Internet/Blog plans

Dec 14, 2010 20:40

Finals are done lalalalalala!!!!

I still have a cold. :(

On the other hand, I also have a month of break ahead of me.

As many have  noticed, I have been neglecting the blog of late. I hang out tumblr a lot now, because it doesn't require me to do much work, just reblog shit and giggle at it and occasionally go off onto rants- it's way easier to interact with peeps over there too.

BUT never fear, this blog will never be abandoned except for maybe it will someday but not soon. I will now list the Nev Intenet Events that will take place over the break now that I have endless free time some of them involving this blog. I WILL:

-Do the SuperMegaReviews for Batgirl #15 and #16. I may do a quick thing on Cass's appearance in Red Robin as well, much belated.

-I have been itching to do some posts on the animes I've been watching of late, specifically posts dealing with Gender and Anime, because as you all know, I love ranting about this stuff. I've actually done quite a bit of examination on Gender and Sailor Moon on tumblr, and my plan is to get copy and organize some of that stuff as well as writing a bunch of new stuff to make the most epic fannish Gender and Sailor Moon essay ever. And when I say epic, I mean like...examinations of each of the Senshi and Tuxedo Mask from a feminist perspective, comparisons of the anime, manga and maybe even some comments on the live action and what the differences mean from a gender perspective, and what the general story and franchise mean to girls/feminists etc. FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN THAT I FEEL LIKE IT.

But also, I want to do an essay on Gender and Revolutionary Girl Utena, Gender and Death Note since it was really the first anime I watched and I still like it (the conclusion regarding gender will be SIGNIFICANTLY less glowing than the other two, though) and an essay that gives a quick overview of other animes I've liked, like Read or Die, Noir, Cowboy Bebop, etc. These essays also won't solely be focused on gender, I'll be commenting on the quality of the shows as well- storylines, plot, strength and weakenesses.

So yeah, who knows if I'll get that done. I'd like to at least do the Sailor Moon one though, and talk about my experience getting into anime in general. Get started on this project at least. But hopefully you guys are interested? Let me know, it will be lot of effort so I don't want to do it if it will just annoy everyone with my obsession and noobishness.

-Update the Steph wiki- I need to update weapons and add some pictures around, but I specifically want to make a page for Steph's out of continuity appearances (Solo, JSA, Tiny Titans, WWYJ) and make a better reviews section, transferring my livejournal reviews over there...

-Update WFA on schedule

-Continue (hopefully maybe finish?) sporking DAYD. Yep, I'm still doing that, I've been doing it here and I'm currently halfway through chapter 19. I like making fun of badfic and tearing down misogynists, I've discovered (well, I already knew the latter...)

-Also on misogyny and Harry Potter...I totally want to do an essay on misogyny and Harry Potter fandom. Specifically do an essay tearing down all the misogynist character bashing argument against Ginny Weasley- then two shorter peices on Hermione Granger and Lily Evans-Potter. Probably won't get done this break, but I want to do it someday.

Outside the net I plan to

-watch insane amounts of anime
-finish watching PGSM and also enjoy my new Sailor Moon boxset
-read a bunch of manga
-start working on that book I'm writing again
-write that Sailor Moon/Wonder Woman crossover fic
-be fannish and prosper

Wow, that's a lot. But I plan to do some of it, and enjoy it.

As of right now, I will be post the 5 poems I wrote, got workshopped and revised for poetry class this semester.

anime, sailor moon, manga, sporking, winter break, feminism, wiki, harry potter, reviews

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