He's creepy, but thankfully not a comic book fan

Feb 27, 2010 01:04

Ugh, I had a creepster experience in the store today.

There was a guy, and he randomly came up to shake my hand. I was surprised, so I shook it. Then looked back at the computer and thought "I probably should have said something" and was like, "Nice to meet you!" and he was all "sorry, that was awkward." And I was like "huh?" And he was like "You got this weird look on your face" and I was like "No, I was just, that wasn't awkward..." but basically he kept pushing how awkward it was and how he must be making me nervous and what was my problem and really you had this look and I was like sorry! And he was like "don't say sorry" but then kept pushing it.

So I try to talk to him about the store, and it turns out he just hangs her and doesn't read comics so I probably tripped up some there. I was like "Oh, you don't...you just hang out...okay" which might have inadvertantly sounded judgy. Then it turned out he and friends (or semi friends, it included the regular who's a nice guy and buys me comics) were actually talking about the game store for some reason? So then I left to put up my books and then he complained to me about my friends while I was standing THREE FEET AWAY. "Like Wow she really seemed like she thought it was awkward and she kept giving me looks and I was just being friendly and she was all freaked out". But I let it slide, because I had tripped up and been accidentally rude.

So they keep talking to me and then say some really sketchy things about gay people. Like he claims he's too "cool to be gay." And I want to tell him to shut the fuck up. But I just sigh pretty loudly and he's like "oh, we're annoying her." No shit, sherlock, homophobes do tend to do that. "I'm too good at reading body language for my own good. Though she was making herself pretty clear with that sigh."

So then he asks to go to the bathroom and I'm like "sure" and me and his friend make some joke and he comes back in telling me he put on some eyeliner and pointing. (Oh, by the way, he told me earlier I had some "sleep" in my eyes and he understands because he wears eyeliner. Which...okay, I don't know what the hell he meant, but it sounded creepy).

Then he asks me if I can guess what he does and I joke "you're a kid who wears eyeliner." And he tells me that embarrassed him in front of the whole store. The kid thing is understandable as embarrassing, since he was my age, but I was getting the feeling this was all an attempt to hit on me, and I wanted him to know he wasn't even on my man-sphere. But apparently the eyeliner thing offended him too. So I said, sorry if that offended you.

He basically says "I'm not always a guy who wears eyeliner"

So I say "You're not always a guy?"

And this leads to a skeevy convo about transsexuals. According to guy, they are ugly and weird. "Well, guess what," says offended me, "I have friends who are trans."

(I was exaggerating with the plural, since, well, I have Ami as an LJ friend and that's it) He asks if I'm dating one and it's such a WTF leap of logic that I say "No!" too loudly and it sounds like I'm all offended at the possibility and I quickly say "there's nothing wrong with that, though," and sound like a dork.

So then he tells me he's a construction worker, and says he can't tell me HOW HE GOT THE JOB because that's not something he can tell girls. I guess he prostituted himself or something.

As a capper, he's friends with my friend Angel and she yells at him a lot. Can't imagine why!

So, yeah. I felt so whipped at the end of the day, when one of the regulars (a guy) asked to hug on the way out, I was like "No. No guy-contact today."

I said "Goodbye, kid with eyeliner!" on my way out, but even after all that, I felt bad when he got woobie faced about that and asked his name.

Ricky. If you flirting with me, you failed. Also, you are definitely not too cool to be gay. You're not cool ENOUGH.

my lcs, lgtb stuff, comic job

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