started this at 10:30-ish am

Feb 09, 2010 13:51

This has been an interesting month all around... And its just started.

In the last nine days, we've gotten our income tax money. And are quite pleased with the amount we got. We had enough left over from paying bills that we were able to get ourselves two netbooks, a new cell phone since ours broke. New clothes for the kids, and just stuff we needed. Like towels for the bathroom!

My brother and his "fiance" split up between the end of January, and the beginning of February. After being together for two years, she decided she didn't love him any more. Which is good that this happened now instead of after she manipulated him into marrying her. (instead of paying bills with money her parents sent when they lived out here, she made him buy her an engagement ring. And she was constantly trying to get pregnant though neither of them had a job or a way to support themselves.) They had talked it out, and he was going to stay in Michigan and live in her father's house as a roommate. Lastnight/early this morning, My mother got a call from him. Seems the bitch came home with another guy, woke him up and kicked him out of the bed so she could be alone with this guy. He's heart broken. And almost on his way home. As I write this, my mother is nearing the town of Lawrence on a mission to get my brother out of the hell he's in currently. And she's got a few choice words for Brittany as well.

Last but not least. Definitely not least. Today is my anniversary! Eric and I have been married for three years. Or will have been in about 10 minutes or so. I told him I want to go out to eat before he has to go to work. So we'll see what happens. *update* Ziggies is awesome food. Now to console a whiny butt Raven, while Robin sleeps on me.
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