Aug 29, 2005 17:57
I strongly dislike thunderstorms. I know it's foolish, but I can't help it. I spent the majority of today holding on to my cat a bit too tightly, since he is the only one around. Hopefully, the rest of my last week of summer will be more interesting than today was. I pretty much watched a movie, made some food, bummed around, made myself up for fun and then washed it all off... Yeah, not too exciting. I have big plans and big expectations for the rest of the week though. Oh, I got my senior pictures taken on friday. It was a lot of fun, and I hope they turned out. I really liked the guy who took them, he was very spontaneous, and we talked about Celeste and Dylan and Chris... he was saying great things about them. Also, I went to a mariners game on Saturday with Max and my parents, it was so much fun. We were rooting for the Whitesox of course, and it was really funny to watch other peoples reactions while we cheered at their misfortune. Also, we saw Los Lobos at the Wine and Jazz festival. That was pretty cool. Which brings us to today, my fear mounting as the thunder continues. Anyway, If anyone was wondering, here's my schedule, a few days late. I already know I have classes with a few of you, especially chem per. 3. yeesh. Everyone and their brother has that class.
1. AP Current World Government - My boy Tulaners.
2. AP World Lit - Hackie Sacks
3. Chem - Tortora
4. AP Statistics - Anglebeck
5. Theatre Focus - Judy
6. Vocal Focus - Ms. Green
And hopefully I will be working something out with Ms. Pilon to have her mentor me for a spanish 4 type class zero period. She is teaching only french this year, but her class is small, and the spanish zero period classes are stuffed. I hope everything works out. So let me know if you've got any classes con mi. Adios!