Title: "Albedo 1/?"
Status: WIP
Fandom: James Bond (Craig!Bond; Movieverse)
Pairing(s)/Character(s): James Bond/Q; M (Gareth Mallory), Eve Moneypenny, Bill Tanner, minor OCs
Disclaimer: The James Bond Franchise belongs to MGM and Ian Fleming, not mine, no claim.
Rating: T
Genre: Alternate Universe, Sentinel/Guide, spirit animals, H/C, angst, humor
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I have not yet seen 'Skyfall', I really can't wait for the DVD (maybe I'll get myself the UK one, considering it will be released in February instead of March) to get out, but I watched the "Quartermaster Scene" over on YT, plus some well made FanVid's, so I know the gist of the plot. - I was head over heels for that pairing as soon as James said "Q." and then smiled XD
It's not that James knows much about pictures. This is an AU, where James is a Sentinel (http://fanlore.org/wiki/Sentinel_and_Guide), as such he has enhanced senses. He can focus on the Turner and SEE the brush strokes, as if under a microscope. His sense of smell is enhanced as well, which is why he picks up Q's scent so in detail :)
Next part will be up on Friday, with a bit of luck. Thanks for reading, I'm glad you liked this one!
Which sadly wasn't all that much...
You've not seen Skyfall yet? O.O Really? Oh wow. You should! ^^ Q and James scenes are amazing.
A simple smile did it for you... :) I can't say why I jumped on the train. Could've been the end of the movie, where they worked together.
Nice. ^^ I'm always a bit careful with Sentinel/Guide stories. Some or so very very good (didn't you give me the Sherlock/Watson one?), some are... just an excuse for easy porn.
Yes, rub salt in the open wound, why don't you?! *grumble* I think I wasn't the only fangirl who jumped on the ship due to that smile ;)
Maybe. I have so many Sherlock Holmes related rec-list's, I've lost track. And hey, some more faith, please. Since I'm writing this FF, you should really know better than to think I would abuse the trope as a set-up for easy porn >_< Bond can be happy when he finally gets a kiss LOL
On a more serious note, I wanted to write this as Sentinel/Guide AU, because I got fed up with all the blanks I drew in the original "The Sentinel" fandom. Most of those FFs I found were not well written, too over the top H/C, about slavery or - easy porn T-T And they depicted Jim and Blair as... hm... almost unable to function as independent individuals, you know, so I wanted to get rid of that using Bond and Q. One example of that you can read in part 2, I'll be curious to know whether you'll spot it or not ^.^
No no! I have faith in you. :D Never thought you would use it as just an easy excuse for porn. Know you better. ;)
Hehe, he better be happy when he gets a kiss from Q.
Yes, I know what you mean with blanks and not well-written fanfics. The horrible thing is, that often the authors do not even notice when it becomes dub-con, non-con or slavery, it's just sentinel/guide behaviour right? Warning would have been nice anyway.
Like the idea that they're able to function independently. ^^
I'll look it up. ;)
That's good to know, now I'm relieved! ;) I really don't like to use cheap excuses for the rare bits of slash I actually get around to writing.
The mean thing is, THAT scene, where Bond and Q hook up and have their kiss, I have already written down... But, shame, it's too early for that and now I wonder what to write to make it to that point - especially as Bond, in that scene, is pretty raw and comes as close to begging Q as 007 can get...
So you are in the fandom as well? Do you have any Jim/Blair rec's? I have found at least three online archives and tons of rec-list's, but I only came away with two really good ones:
Of course, they are Bond and Q :)
Sorry then, that what I said could be misunderstood. ^^
I always like to write down certain scenes earlier, but I know that when I reach them I have to write the scene new anyway. *sigh* So mostly I don't.
A begging Bond... poor James. ^^
I was in the fandom for a few days, but it didn't really hold my interest. Recs... have to admit, that nothing really held my attention. And then came a few fantastic Loki fanfictions along. ;)
Thanks for the recs. ^^
Of course. What else? ;)
I know you do, I merely meant it humorous. After all you've read enough of my FFs to know me well and have always shown how great you are at reading even between the lines :)
Well, I say 'begging' but in Bond speech that amounts to admitting how much he wants (maybe even needs it a little bit) and saying the word 'please' ;)
You're welcome!
Good, for a moment I wasn't sure here anymore. :p I lvoe reading between the lines of your fics, because one always finds something. ;)
Begging = showing he wants something. As I said, Bond is arrogant, but we all love his despite it.
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