Title: "The Left Behind And Broken”
Status: TwoShot; WIP
Series: Tainted (Part 1)
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Nick
Disclaimer: SPN belongs to the mastermind Eric Kripke, CW and others, I'm just playing.
Rating: T
Warnings: unbeta'ed, AU (from season five, episode "Abandon All Hope" onwards)
Summary: Sam said 'yes', the devil is on the
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Sure, I keep the links warm and handy ^.^ In fact, if you search for SPN FFs, chances are that I can rec something - mostly Dean centric and Dean/Cas, though.
I'll try to whip up a Dean/Cas/Thas icon - how about it? ^.^
The actor, Sebastian Roché, plays in The Vampire Diaries (season 3) too - I had such an Aha! moment when he came on screen ^o^
I'm was actually up to chapter 10. Yesterday I saw two ^^Aww but Thaz said he hated Dean T.T DON'T SINK MY SHIP BALTHAZAR!! XD
But aww I saw like a virgin, and Cas is so adorable when he meets Sam. And I s loved when Dean goes.. "That freaking child!" XD
Don't worry! Dean has that tendency to grow on you ^.^ Which is bad, because it makes angels love him, but demon's want to rip him to shreds °.° Not Crowley, though LOL
The text's are really great for fangirls, in season 6!
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