May 29, 2007 00:12
Or the candidates, at least.
Clinton has, or should have, the nomination in the bag. While Obama seems nice, he hasn't really done or said anything to set himself apart. He's got something like two years working in government, total. He's a nice black guy - that's all anyone seems to know about him. Clinton's got several years in the Senate, several years on the Armed Forces Committee, and she seems pretty focused. The only thing people actually seem to hate about her is her husband. Richardson might also be a good candidate, but I haven't heard much from/about him yet past that he was a great New Mexico governor.
Ron Paul, douchebag as he may seem on other issues, was dead on the money about the War in Iraq, and the other candidates, along with Bush, could say or cite nothing to refute him - just moan and whine and invoke Reagan's name incessantly. Giuliani, nice as he may seem, is incredibly unqualified and uninformed, and - like Obama - all anyone knows about him is that he was mayor of New York during 9/11. He did some good stuff as mayor, and he wouldn't necessarily be a horrible president, but I don't think he'd do much more than get by, sort of like Bush would have without the horrible errors in judgment in Iraq. A little controversy here and there (stem cells, tax cuts), but nothing country-shattering. Romney seems like he'd do well going by before speeches and whatnot, but he seems to have castrated himself in order to get the nomination (joining the NRA, for example). McCain is just trying too hard. Paul would at least rein in spending and reduce the government's role in daily life regardless of his views - no marriage amendment, for example, despite his personal views on homosexuality. McCain and Romney are the best candidates, with Paul hopefully forcing some issues.
I'm not sure who will win. If Clinton had a different last name, she'd probably win. She's still probably got the best shot, although Romney might be able to parlay his somewhat-liberal credentials into Democratic votes if he hasn't strangled them completely by the election. McCain probably would have won if he hadn't run before, but he's still got a good shot. Richardson's got an uphill battle, but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets momentum in the run-up to the primaries.
I haven't read as much as I'd like about the candidates, so if you have anything to share, please do.